
Life Is Beautiful


06-22-2015, 02:39 PM
Life had been full of disappointments. Full of pain and sorrow. It began with the death of her mother, followed by the disappearance of Mneme and Aether. Her pack had fallen apart around her, but Philotes had not broken. She would remain strong, for the sake of her family. She was almost an adult now, and she would find herself still within the Estuary despite the fact the pack had been dissolved. she still saw her father, her two brothers... That was all she needed she decided. That and Poe. The raven that had belonged to her mother, that tie from Thanatos to Natalya. She believed that Thany was her successor in a way... not that she thought any less of Hercules. No... she loved both of her brothers and found them both strong.

Truth be told she was closer to Herc than Thany. The slower talking male wasn't the most social, almost distant as he traveled with Poe. The young girl let her silver gaze traverse the Estuary. Hercules was likely somewhere nearby... and she was sure that he had the same feeling that she did about this place. Pack or no this was still their home. The girl would tilt her head back, calling for one of her two brothers, or even her father. Some company was needed.

Code by Serenity


06-24-2015, 09:09 PM

Hercules hadn't been feeling at his best recently. Physically he was fine. In fact, at just under two years old he might be in the best of his young life. He was finally full grown and had filled out nicely. However, mentally he wasn't quite as stable as he wanted to be. Almost their entire family was gone. The only ones he had been able to cling to was his father, his adopted brother, and his little sister. He had accepted this fact and had thanked the gods that he had his closest family still here with him. But... just a couple of days ago he had to let Charmeine go. Not knowing where her family was at was straining her more than he had ever imagined so he had to let her do what she needed to do, no matter how much it hurt. He wanted to go with her, but he couldn't leave his father and Philotes and Thany behind now... not after everything they had all been through.

He had found himself retreating to his den more and more to hide from the world. Seeing all the places that he and Charm had been together only hurt him more. However, when he heard his sister's call he wouldn't hesitate to pull himself to his paws and step out into the open. It didn't sound like she was in any urgent danger, but he wouldn't keep her waiting either. He shook the dust off his fur and then look off at a quick lope toward her till he finally spotted her dark form. His heart ached when he looked at her. She had grown up so much from the little pup he had comforted at the first Pantheon meeting he had called. She was still much smaller than him of course, and probably always would be, but she had grown into a beautiful young woman. She looked so much like their mother that it was hard not to think about her. He smiled a little as he slowed to a stop in front of her. "Hello, Philly," he said fondly and he leaned down to nuzzle her affectionately.

"Talk" "You" Think


07-20-2015, 05:30 PM

Philotes would lift her head, tail wagging as Hercules had come up beside her. Things had been hard since the fall of Pantheon, but in a sense her family was still together. Still strong. The young girl would smile up at her older brother, returning his affectionate nuzzle with one of her own. “Heya Herc.” The girl would rise to her paws, gently nipping at him. Her ears would twitch and she’s speak up, her voice kind.

“Brother... What do you think the future holds for us all?” She’d question. “Is it something that will come soon, and perhaps give us a home?” She would look down, trailing a paw in the dirt. “Sorry... I guess... I just miss having more company...”

Code by Serenity