
Testing Your Skills

Aria I


03-17-2013, 10:23 AM
ooc:// Couldn't remember if you said to make it here or somewhere in Ludicael.

Rocks occasionally grace a lovely plain, and though the ponds and verdant blades create a pleasant scenery it is stained horribly with the blood of so many. Roaming wolves, rogues, and pups may be forced into packs in said place. However, this is also the place of battles, major ones, Pack challenges, ownership challenges, and rank challenges, may often take place on the battlefield.

That was what this place was known for, but today it would not bring pain to others or for anything major. Today this place was where Aria would spar with the Sol of Ludicael to test out her skills and possibly have the rank of Iridia, warrior. To her, being a warrior just fit better. The thrill of a hunt was indeed what she loved, but she thought her place in the pack was as a fighter. To protect them when attacked by another pack or rogues, she wanted to show her strength and be the wolf every one could count on. It brought warmth to heart, happiness and pride to know she would be able to be their guardian.

Now, Aria didn't come here thinking she would get the rank right off the bat. She knew there were some spots she could improve on since she didn't really have to fight ayone in awhile. This would be the perfect time to see what she was capable of and, if the Sol would do so, learn what she needs to change when fighting. This was a, learning opportunity.

The russet and white shewolf stood in the field with her head held high, green eyes scanning the plain. The Sol was not here yet, she gave a nod to herself. Showing up early was somehting she liked to do, it showed that she took such meetings seriously. Carefully she folded her legs, lowering herself to the ground intoa sitting position with her little stump for a tail wiggling behind her. Waiting for Jupiter to appear.

Jupiter I


7 Years
03-19-2013, 12:41 PM

jupiter illidais

"jupiter speech" ? "mercury speech"

a degree of excitement found its way into the creature as she headed for the battlefield. a large portion of her soreness had faded from her body since her barrage of battles to leadership and, compared to the shape she had been in before, she felt renewed. jupiter strode into the battlefield without the stiff, nearly-slouched posture she had held out of pain during the meeting, which seemed so far behind her. something deep within her dearly missed the thrill of battle, so it sang as she saw her pack member up ahead and when it did she chided it for even existing.

a bark of greeting escaped her ebony lips, tail lifted but wagging slightly in a friendly manner as she neared aria, and she shook the dust from her fur--a habit that still hadn't faded from her. the lass glanced briefly around, and then offered a smile to the lunav, quite proud that the fae had gone through with this battle and had, in fact, beat her alpha here.

"morning, aria," she said smoothly, with a large hint of cheerfulness in her voice. after the shock of being transformed into an alpha nearly over the course of 24 hours, the fae was beginning to slip back into her usual habit of throwing iterjup's personality at everyone at all times. of course, she checked herself so she wouldn't overdo it and arouse suspicion while making it seem like her pep was from some odd sort of excitement other than the thrill of the prospect of a fight or an alternate personality.

"you may make the first move, my dear lunav," she replied, smiling.

? 274 words ?

[ o o c ; ]
I'll do defenses at the beginning of the next post so it won't be confusing. XD Fight will be 3 rounds, your next post starts the first.

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.

Aria I


03-21-2013, 08:43 PM
Ears perked up at the sound of a bark, green eyes scanned the field before falling upon her leader, Jupiter. A smile formed on her lips as she pushed herself up and dipped her head in greeting to the Sol, if her tail was there it would have been wagging but kept low in a friendly manner. She was excited for this opportunity, to test her skills and see if she would be able to become a warrior. Being a Lunav wasn't bad, she just thought being a fighter would fit her better since she wasn't too small or too large so she could move around a lot better than most wolves.

"Good Morning Jupiter." Aria greeted the shewolf, she seemed to be in a good mood today and looked a lot better than the first day she had met her. That was good, it showed that she was healing well and at a good time, a strong, healthy leader. And so the test would begin with Aria's first move, it made her smile and dip her head before taking a few steps backs, a wolf length from the Sol.

What could she do first? The two were similar in size so she could go for a frontal attack, but then that would be obvious. And there was't much to that, just throwing herself forward and if she did that then Jupiter would easily toss her aside. With a deep breath she crossed a leg over the other, paws carrying to the Sol's side, circling her. She circled her oce, going for another before she finally made her move.

Aria's weight had been shifted to her back end just before lunging her body forward, her neck was arched, head turned to the left with jaws wide and lips pulled back. She had come at Jupiter from the her back left, her body set in a position she thought would be a bit tricky to immediately go after. If the shewolf moved then Aria could move her legs, pushing herself against the Sol so jaws could not reach her. When she had lunged she didn't fully jump into the air, instead she lifted her front half of her body off the ground that way her body would just fall and she could use that to push herself back when the other shewolf tried to counter. She also kept her forelegs folded against her body, trying to avoid them being grabbed by jaws.


ATTACKS;; Came from back left of Jupiter, aiming a bite to the base of her neck.

DEFENCES;; Neck is arched away from Jupiter's head in case she tries to turn and snap back with jaws. --- Forelegs folded against her body, trying to avoid them being grabbed by jaws.

ROUND;; 1/3

Jupiter I


7 Years
04-07-2013, 11:06 AM

as the lass began to circle her sol, the fae took it upon herself to set her defenses in stone. the she-wolf rotated evenly with the lunav, always facing her spar opponent in her constant stalking revolution about her. her tail leveled out evenly for balance and her shuffling paws were spread for a solid stance even in her movement, her neck pushed backwards to thicken the protection of her neck, optics never leaving her charge. when the other lupine finally made her move, it seemed as if she had entertained a different idea of her angle of attack in her original plan, but it seemed as if jupiter's attentive following had obliterated the accuracy of the details of it. the alpha saw the jaws going for the base of her neck and allowed them there, but also threw her weight forward to make an attempt to slam into aria before her front paws were back on the ground. this would hopefully send the nearly-airborne creature back or down to the ground, especially with her having less balance when having all of her weight on half of the number of limbs than usual.

as he body was pushed forward in a collision course for aria's, jupiter would aim to keep her paws on the ground to put extra force into her movement while arching her neck backwards a little to maintain its scrunched defenses and allowing her to make an attempt at a bite at aria's jaws and force her to relinquish her hold on her own flesh.


defenses ; keeps neck scrunched for neck defense; keeps paws spread for balance; keeps all paws on the ground for stability; makes tail level for balance.

attacks ; throws her weight forward at aria to try and knock her over or push her back while she's lunging forward. also aims a bite at aria's jaws to try and force her to let go of the base of jupiter's neck.

injuries ; shallow bite wound on the base of her neck.

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.

Aria I


04-09-2013, 04:48 PM

Of course she would prepare herself well, this shewolf had fought off another, from the marks when she first met her it seemed like it was a rough fight, and so knew what Aria was trying to do. Moving just as she lunged, it was good, it forced Aria to have to make a split second decision and try to react without getting thrown or bit.

Her jaws were allowed to close on the Sol's neck, but loose skin and fur were taken in, having no effect as she would have liked but she did feel a tiny bit of something there. Not even a second later she felt weight slam into her chest, and green eyes caught jaws come up to grab onto her. Jaws unlocked from the neck, the wind being knocked out of her slightly but she quickly moved back from the force, feeling a light burning on her jaw from where the Sol's teeth grazed her. Legs went stiff, body being tensed up, not allowed to curl up and fall to the ground in a mess of tangled legs. She kept her weight even throughout her body, landing on all four but stumbling a bit, quickly recovered and jumped to the side before coming back.

Aria threw her left shoulder forward, pulling her head back but down to protect her neck, aiming to hit the wolf in the head but keeping her shoulder raised as added protection for her neck as she swung her head to the side, jaws parted for a bite. Forelegs attempted to wrap around her lower neck, helping to support herself but mostly in trying to drag the wolf down to the ground, back legs pushing her forward but keeping her weight mostly in the front.

DEFENSES;; Head back but down to protect neck, shoulder is also raised as added protection, back paws planted firmly, front paws wrapped around Jupiter's lower neck for support

ATTACKS;; Shoulder to the head, attempting to put weight onto shoulders to drag to the ground, attempt to bite on the back of neck

INJURIES;; Sore chest from where Jupiter threw her weight forward, small scratches on jaws from Jupiter's attempt to bite her


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Jupiter I


7 Years
04-14-2013, 08:40 PM

her opponent had only been pushed back when it seemed like she had lunged forth upon jupiter once more, their chests coming together in another not-so-heartfelt reunion. the celestial femme felt paws wrapping about the base of her neck, and with no way to have avoided the grip in the allotted time, she made the best of it. once more the sol threw her own weight forward, pushing with all four of her legs.

she had been in this position once before in a familiar fight, and had found that it put her at a relative advantage. with her body weight being what it was, it shouldn't turn out to be a difficult task to bowl the other creature onto her stomach, especially with only two legs on aria's side and four on jupiter's. before any sense of accomplishment could come to her, though, the alpha realized that she had made a careless mistake and had ignored her lunav's attack. jaws clenched around the base of her neck too quickly for her to reassume her defenses, and though she did so now it was too late to prevent much of the damage. she released a snarl of pain and threw herself forward more, dropping her head to put her weight into it while aiming a bite at the nearest foreleg that was latched around her. jupiter ensured that her tail remained evenly set so that she could glean whatever balance she could from this situation and hopefully knock aria over.

luckily, there was one advantage to the slow reaction of scrunching her neck--it brought her flesh scrunching around aria's nostrils and mouth, and hopefully not being able to breathe was a good incentive to let go.


defenses ; scrunched neck after aria's bite, tail even for balance while pushing forward.

attacks ; throws her whole weight forward again and attempts to bite at one of the forelegs wrapped around her. the scrunching of her neck will hopefully block aria's nostrils and mouth and cut off her air supply.

injuries ; shallow bite wound on the base of her neck, another deeper one on the back of her neck, and bruises from the colliding of their chests.

round 2/3

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.

Aria I


04-18-2013, 01:39 PM

Aria Corvi

Once again their chests collided in a not so friendly manner, then again, this spar wasn't really too friendly. It was to move up in rank, to show off what she could do while at the same time learing about what she could change with ehr tactics.

She had thought about this attack, hoping that by her jumping away moments ago then lunging forward with her shoulder forward and head back, she would be able to catch the shewolf off guard somehow. And that's what happened. Jaws clenched around the base of her Sol's neck, a snarl of pain slipping her own jaws as she ducked her head. Aria had also not been paying attention, for she felt jaws shut around her left forleg just a second after the shewolf ducked her head down, a snarl mixed with a growl rumbling forth from the back of her throat but was muffled as the skin in her jaws scrunched up and blocked her mouth and most of her nose.

Aria pulled her head back, taking in a gulp of air but because of the force Jupiter was applying to the bite on her leg it sent the Lunav forward, the ground slipping out from under her. Instead of throwing her legs around, trying to figure out if the ground was up or down, she pulled her legs in against her body, covering her vulnerable stomach with her folded legs and neck with her head held low to scrunch of the skin.

After what seemed like seconds, the shewolf had stopped moving and she took this chance to move quickly. Legs shot out, body twisting so her back was to the sky, keeping paws spread for balance. Her head puleld around, emerald orbs looking up to the Sol for a split second before she lunged once more, but because of her hurt leg she could only throw herself forward, keeping her head down and using her shoulders and weight to try and knock the shewolf over.

DEFENSES;; Body curled into ball, blocking soft flesh of neck and belly.

ATTACKS;; Lunging forward with head down, throwing herself up into Jupiter's chest to knock over.

INJURIES;; Sore chest from chests colliding, scratches on jaws, bruises from chests colliding, bite marks on left foreleg

ROUND;; 3/3


Jupiter I


7 Years
05-04-2013, 09:32 PM

in the end, the two she-wolves ended up right back where they started--with their chests pressing against one another's, warring for an advantage that jupiter doubted would ever come at this rate. it seemed that with the strategies they were both using, they were a relatively equal match, and that was enough for the sol. the alpha slid her weight to the right to allow them to pass one another, shifting to face the lunav, ebony lips parting to form words and also curving to form a smile.

"that is enough," she concluded, voice affable and friendly but laced with a certain degree of power and demand suitable to make her message clear. her breathing, quickened slightly by the adrenaline, began to slow to normal pace once more. "you held your own well, and are worthy of the title of iridia." her posture straightened, chin lifting and chest pressing outward slightly with pride. "congratulations, aria."


prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.

Aria I


05-10-2013, 09:07 AM

No matter what they did, both of the females seemed to react in similar ways. They were equals. Aria was able to avoid attacks and deliver good moves but so did Jupiter. And because of this the Sol slipped to the side, turning to face her with a smile. The scarred shewolf did the same, doing a little hop so she wouldn?t over herself, turning to the Sol and dipping her head with a small smile. She took a few deep breaths, catching her breath and calming down her body as the Sol spoke. This was enough, she held herself well and was worthy of the title Iridia, and congratulated her.

Aria dipped her head once again in respect and thanks, lifting it and holding it high with pride. Thank you Jupiter, this was a fun spar and I look forward to another one in the future. She chuckled, a light in her emerald eyes.

-END THREAD- (unless you post again)


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