
even if the morrow is barren of promise


03-25-2013, 07:01 PM

The massive brown male had wandered a lot in the past few days. He had spent much time with Morgan recently, but hunting had drawn him away from 'home.' The male had wandered swiftly, aiming to head back as quickly as possible (he was still unwilling to believe that the remainders of his old pack hadn't vanished as soon as they had appeared), but these massive rocks had provided the male with a good place to rest, if only temporarily.

The brown beast selected one of the largest rocks, one warmed by the late spring sun. The dark rock would be a comfortable perch to perhaps take a quick nap, and it would provide him with an excellent vantage point. Tail twitching, the creature padded up to it, and spent the next several minutes climbing up it. He was in the prime of his life, but the warm kill that sat in his stomach left him slow and lethargic, and almost as soon as he climbed up the rock, the male was curling up. He took up most of the top, tail dangling downwards. The warmth that soothed his bones was pleasant enough that within moments, blue eyes were drifting closed.

From his vantage point, he could see most of the lands. The downside to that was that most of those around him could see him as well. It was pretty hard to miss the brown creature against the dark coloration of the rock, but that was the farthest thing from Lovatt's mind as his dark eyes began to drift shut. For the moment, he was content to bask in the warm light. The breeze carried the promise of summer upon it, and for the moment, he didn't see any rush in heading home. For him, this was a big deal. To trust them enough that he believed that they would not vanish at the drop of a hat. Luke and Morgan...

His thoughts trailed into a light doze, leaving him open and vulnerable, though for the moment, Lovatt was fine with that.



03-27-2013, 10:06 PM

This place, it was like the looking stones of the gods. Some were smaller then others but each one held some meaning or some path. She sniffed each one of its past inhabitants. So many seemed to stretch and curl and rub against the warm stones. She wondered what the gods had thought when they created such a place. It was as if they littered the ground with forgotten dreams and thrown away memories. She wondered if she listened hard enough if she could head the stories of the dead and living alike? She pushed her soft velvet face against the warmth of one and waited. She had heard nothing. She frowned with disappointment, where were the flowers that spoke of days long gone and lovers tucked up warmly in her arms? They had mocked his name to her. Calling it in the night and reminding her of what she lost. Yet these stones would not talk.

She pulled away from the inviting warmth. Her gaze roved across the open field. Her violet eyes found the mound of honey colored flesh. He was lost to his wandering mind. His lids had sealed the door to his dream world. She wondered what he dreamt of perched on a stone boulder like a raven in its nest. She couldn?t help the slip of a smile that curled her lips as she called out to him. ?Do your claws retract and crave milk?? she called to the slumbering wolf. she wondered if he?d purr if she touched him. ?I do believe you have the balls of a wolf between your thighs, Not those of a cat unless I am mistaken.? She retorted once more as the slumber slipped away from him.

The warmth had been distracting for her ever-growing frame. Her coat was still full for the cold but as the world grew warmer she lost a little each day. She had tugged and groomed and pulled at her wiry appearance but still a tuff or too eluded her. The warmth of this place was a serious contrast to the north where she had been wandering on and off again. Seeking those that belonged to know one and placing theories in their minds. She had a plan for her cracked world. For those that lost their minds to build a new world and call it home. How many mad were left to die? How much insanity was slain or forgotten? She would never allow them all to perish so long as she ruled the kingdom she had laid her claim on. They would belong to her and her to them.


03-29-2013, 11:46 AM

A voice interrupted his sleep, leaving lovatt blinking dark blue eyes open wearily. The voice that purred through the air seemed to come from a massive female, one that looked rather distinctive. He would certainly recall her if he ever saw her again. Her words were strange, leaving Lovatt piecing them together slowly. Did his claws retract? No, he was certain that they didn't. Only a feline's did that. And as she continued, Lovatt's eyes widened slightly.

Well. Um. That was a little . . . bold. Lovatt blinked slightly, stretching as much as he could on his perch as he eyed the bold female. "I certainly do have the balls of a wolf." Lovatt snorted softly, flicking his ears as he leaped down from his perch. He hit the ground with a solid thud, pain shooting up from his paws, and Lovatt shook himself slightly as he eyed the creature. She was about his size, huge for a wolf and certainly for a female. "And you? I assume you're a wolf as well, but what brings you to these lonely lands?" Lovatt asked with a tilt of his head, curious to see how the female would react.

Her words did not make as much sense as they could have. Didn't make as much sense as they should have. She spoke as if she wasn't looking at the same thing as he. Though, to be fair, Lovatt wasn't exactly looking at himself. So maybe she saw something completely different from him, but... He was still curious about this creature. "My name is Lovatt." He tacked that on a moment later, voice rumbling in his chest as he examined the female. She seemed to be an interesting wolf, and she also smelled of a pack. Something worth investigating, for sure.

Lovatt had been considering joining a pack, as of late. Morgan and Luke deserved a home to call their own, and a family. A pack. And he was lonely. Not that they weren't amazing company. But he was lonely.



03-30-2013, 04:19 PM

Violet eyes focused on the male as he stirred. Lost forgotten dreams lingered against his heavy lids as he looked to her. She tilted her head at his reaction to her question. Had she taken him aback? Indeed her words were audacious if only because she lacked the tactful filter that many normal wolves used. His voice pierced her mind and she closed her eyes for a moment, focusing, as she pushed that voice deep into her collective to recall should they meet another time. Her ears pulled forward as he confirmed her question, that he was indeed a wolf, and she allowed a smile to decorate her angdronious features.

Her eyes never left him as he eased off the rock to come down to face her. She found him only an inch smaller then she. None had come eye level with her in this realm. She seemed to be a mystical thing, a dyeing thing, amongst the flourishing rest. Though her children she was certain would take after her pervious life. Was it so long ago? When everything made sense and she didn?t feel as if she lost herself to her subconscious, the puppet master, when things troubled her mind.

He asked the question of her heritage and she couldn?t help the manic laugh that escaped her jaws. It was a deep thing, a genuine laugh as she replied, ?I sometimes wonder if my parents knew the depths of what id become. Did wolves or monsters birth me? Sometimes I cant even remember..? her mind blanked for a moment. The rest of the words still lingered on the tip of her tongue but her face had grown still. Confusion filled her gaze as she blinked at him. A frown replaced the mirth that had only seconds ago shinned in her bright violet eyes. Only horror and confusion filled them now as she looked at him. Her ears fell back with distress as she looked at him, really looked at him. Panic swelled in her breast as she eyed the stranger. Who the fuck was he? How had she gotten here?

She closed her eyes. Maybe if she wished it. if she dreamed it. She would wake up against the wall. She would be with her master again. When life was simple. When she was the pawn and he was the king. She cracked her lids and still the brown wolf stood before her. Who was he! Did she know him? She backed up a little and felt the movement of something within her. Stinging panic pricked her head with an intensity she couldn?t even fully understand as the maternal instinct kicked back in and fueled her mind with the present. She let out an exasperated breath and looked back towards the male with a relaxed expression. She had caught whispers of words.

And you. Wolf. Lonely lands. Lovatt. what had he asked her? What about lonely lands? Lovatt had to be his name. She blinked back at him struggling with her mind to remember. Why am I here? LenTajin. Oh, collecting souls. Remaking a kingdom. She swallowed the panic that still threatened to consume her. She feared that if she allowed it to possess her she would lose her unborn children. Her ears perked forward as she remembered the honey wolf was still watching her. If her face could flame and be seen it would have burst into flames of embarrassment. She had almost forgotten him. Lost the moment in time with her mocking him laying in the warm sun like a basking feline.

?Cerberus?s bones, my mind did faltered for a moment.? She said softly, he knew nothing of her. What her mind was capable of. She was trying to make a name for herself but these fits were aggravating. ?I am Newt Saxe.? She said thoughtfully. Look at how far she had come. Why was she putting herself down? Yes, Zara had put her in the path she now walked but she had learned to acquire independence. ?I am the new queen of Lentajin.? She said proudly, she had killed Sade and with her death came her crown. Honestly she had hoped the battle would be a simple spar with no harm done but the little queen had grown desperate to keep her kingdom and broke the rules they had set, thus forfeiting her life in the new queens eyes.

?Why do I wonder the lonely roads?? she repeated his previous question. Proud that she could recall the words. Perhaps they weren?t quite what he had asked or the meaning she had put behind them but she remembered them nonetheless and that was an achievement in itself. ?I search for the broken, the used, the forgotten, the lost souls, and those that desire strength and power. I search for others to build my kingdom from the ashes. Make it something more then what it was. A life of slavery for those that hold the roles of males simply disturbs me. ? Her voice was level as she explained. Keeping a neutral tone all the while until the last bit. Then the disdain had fallen into her voice backing up her dislike for the former kingdoms roles.


04-06-2013, 09:53 AM

The laugh was met by a smile on Lovatt's part. He was pleased to see amusement in the other wolf. She was an impressive creature, large and bulky and as a whole, interesting. It had taken him a little to figure out that yes, this wolf was a female with that size and bulk. And then the female spoke. He tilted his head a little as he examined her, flicking navy eyes up and down her form. "I think that it was wolves who birthed you." Lovatt spoke lightly, only to hesitate when the female turned a blank, panicked look on him.

Had his joke been in bad taste? Or what was going on? "Are you . . . all right, Miss?" There was a fear that he did not understand in this wolf as she backed up a few steps. He lowered his head a little, trying to look unintimidating, though this female was indeed larger than she. He should not have scared her; he intended no harm. But perhaps he had not made that clear enough.

He was trying to figure out what else he could do when the female seemed to relax a little, looking at him with a little bit of recognition in her features. Lovatt breathed a sigh of relief, twitching brown ears at the female as she spoke, inclining his head slightly. He spoke no more of the incident, figuring that that would probably embarrass her. "Pleasure to meet you, Newt Saxe. Congratulations on becoming Queen." Lentajin. He had heard nothing of the pack, but perhaps... Well, if he chose to join a pack, this would be one of the first that he investigated. This female was an interesting creature; surely her pack would be an interesting one as well. It might not be a good fit for Morgan as well, however, and Lovatt knew that he would not be going anywhere without the last remainders of his family.

Her words were interesting, met by a slight tilt of Lovatt's head. "Those are noble goals, Queen Newt." Lovatt spoke slowly, "What kind of home will you offer these wolves that you seek?" This was a legitimate question, for Lovatt was curious about the pack of which she spoke. Lentajin. He wanted to learn of this pack. Of all packs, to be fair, but this female was the first Queen that he had met in his wanderings. And perhaps, he was one of the wolves that she spoke of. He was certainly a lost soul. He had left his home far behind and could never find it again.

But maybe, just maybe, he might find a new home in these lands.



04-07-2013, 06:04 AM

When it came to her ?episodes? they simply became forgotten the moment she regained her mind. It was a lapse in time, moments, seconds, hours, what ever the amount of an episode would be the amount lost to her consciousness. The fact that he hadn?t mentioned something out of the ordinary hadn?t caught her off guard for to her she had simply continued the conversation from where it had started. Her ears twitched as she listened to him congratulate her accomplishment. Blood, a broken body, a heart lost because of a reckless desire to keep together what had once been, it all flashed in her eyes for a moment as the scene of Sades death came to the surface. It did nothing to hurt her or upset her. No, she felt no regret for the death of the former queen. She had broken the rules they had set and so she had paid the price with her life.

He was curious what it was she offered. Her violet eyes filled with pride for a moment as she spoke thoughtfully, ?A home where all skills will be used for the best of our pack. I plan on creating a home for assassins. We will be skilled in the art of walking the shadow roads and bringing the death to the unworthy. We shall be picky about what contracts we conduct and I do not condone selfish deaths. They must have meaning and good reason for death to find them. We will as well be a home filled with many different personalities. No wolf will be turned away. Everyone is worth something and everyone has a skill that can be used for the better of everyone and themselves.? She said softly. She saw a kingdom of protection for those that could not find statuary elsewhere. A place for them all, for darker to do dark deeds, and the righteous to do what must be done. It would be a home of neutral favors.

?We might not be ideal for everyone but we offer what we can to those that are in need. I am a broken thing what better way to care for others with the understanding of what it is to be broken. I care for whom I rule above. I care about them all, who they are, what their names are, what they struggle with.? She thought of ghost and smiled. She hoped the wolf would find her way into her kingdom some day. She had given her an invitation to shed her chains and be free in her realm. She would even raise her pups for her if she wanted to rid herself of their constant ties to her past. ?From what I understand there are those that care not for their subjects. All they care for are the numbers. Big or small I?ll know them all and know what?s in their heart.? She murmured, it was a promise to the future not to him or anyone in particular but what standards she was putting her own rule to. She would not be like that king ghost had spoken of. The one who made her feel like she was nothing. Like she didn?t matter. They all mattered, every last one of them.

?Enough about my realm, why do you walk the lonely roads? Surly you have someone searching for you?? she asked, she was curious about this wolf. What had brought her to find him? She always thought there was a reason for everything, even if it was small.


04-08-2013, 02:02 PM

The pack that Newt described was one that she seemed to be proud of. Not that he blamed her. It sounded like a good home for a wolf. A place where all would be welcomed. And though it seemed like a pack of killers, the pack that Newt spoke of was a family more than anything. Ears twitching slightly, he listened to her words with a solemnity, navy eyes focused on her like she was the only thing in the world. "Those are noble goals," Lovatt mused softly, "And it sounds like a good home." That it did. Though Lovatt wasn't entirely sure that it would be for everyone, it was . . . interesting. Certainly a possibility. Though if Lovatt was choosing a place for a family, then it might not be the best place.

Her words were perhaps more comforting than she would realize. After all, Lovatt may not have been the most broken, but he was far from whole. His family had been ripped away from him in a bloodbath. And this female speaking of caring for all of her members, and of being a broken thing herself, well, it had a nice ring to it. The brown male's ears twitched as he listened to her, inclining his head slightly. "When your pack is more than a hundred wolves, you may regret saying that." Here, Lovatt found himself teasing slightly, a friendly tone filling his previously solemn voice. It seemed that rediscovering the last fragments of his family had done him some good; it had left him with a little bit less of that heavy solemnity that had ruled his thoughts and words for so long.

But joking was still an unfamiliar thing to the large wolf, and he found himself slipping into serious tones once more when he replied. "I lost my family long ago," The male shrugged slightly, "And I have found a few fragments of it, but it's still a lonely life. I think . . . That I am seeking a pack for us to join, perhaps. A place where my family could become large once more." The male's words were thoughtful, "I have two who wait for me." He added a moment later, flicking his ears as he examined the large female before her.

If what she said was true, if the home that she spoke of was true, then it was an enticing possibility. A place where all would be taken care of was a welcome thought to a wolf who had spent years taking care of himself. Since his father died, he had been alone. Only a short while had wolves come into his life again, and Lovatt found himself enjoying the company more than he would have thought possible while he was alone. Wolves were social creatures, after all. They were not made to spend seasons upon seasons alone.



04-11-2013, 02:37 AM

The joke was indeed amusing. She allowed the soft chuckle to escape her dark lips. It was an odd sound. It was a sincere sound rather then her usual stark barking laugh that could rub anyone the wrong way. She allowed the mirth to show in her expression as she responded, ?It would be a trying thing for my mind to endure but I?d find a way to know them all.? She said honestly. What ghost had said had struck her to the heart and she would be that alpha. The one who knew them all and care for them all, even if they cared not for her.

He spoke of losing his family. Her ears fell back in respond. She had lost everyone. Not just her family. Some days she thought she had never had anyone to begin with. That she had all but imagined them all to sooth her lonely mind. Even now she was constantly second guessing herself. Was it all real? Did she truly rule a realm? It was all so odd to her. Yet hope was not lost and she had found hope too. It was nuzzled in the depths of her body and the owner of the donation still lingered by her. In truth they were mates but he was free to be with whomever he desired as she would if she pleased it. Not that she thought she would. If she were honest with herself then she would know she was a romantic at heart.

?My home is being forged by new blood.? She said happily. She had never thought the idea of being a mother would interest her. Yet here she was carrying who knew how many children and already she was protective over them. ?My children will learn what it?s like to have a family. A true family. I may be harsh and strict but I have my reasons and I hope they all understand. That I am the way I am for all of them.? She said almost sadly. How many loved a wolf that was strict on rules and kept to the law, Even if it was hard, good leaders made the hard choices, the ones no one ever wanted to make and there would never be a thing she would ask of her wolves that she wouldn?t do for herself.

?Your family is welcome in my realm Lovatt, if you wish it. You are not required to become a thing of the dark. Not a dark thing but one that can become one with the shadows and do what needs to be done. Only a deep select few will hold those roles but we have many more things to give wolves purpose.? She said with a smile. It seemed she was offering her home to many. She had yet to meet many of the other alphas that roamed the realm. Perhaps they stayed locked away in their assigned kingdoms. ?Just know if you join it is not an imprisonment. You and your family may come and go as you please. As all my wolves may do so long as you come when requested.? She did not say demanded. She would not demand anything from her wolves but she would hope when she called then they would come.


04-20-2013, 01:48 PM

Lovatt found his tail flicking slightly, head tilting as he examined the female before him. She was an impressive creature, he had to admit. Her words were so self assured, even as she admitted the hardships facing her. It was something that the male envied. "Those are indeed lofty goals, but I have no doubt that you will manage it." Lovatt spoke the words truthfully, his ears pricking in her direction as he spoke, an attentive gaze fixed on this queen.

Her reaction to his words seemed sad, as if the female seemed to understand where he was coming from. Or perhaps he was reading far too much into a few short movements. Still, Lovatt wanted to believe that she understood what he spoke of. "And you will enforce the laws equally for all?" Here his head tilted slightly, flicking his ears towards her, eagerly listening for what she might say. This was the kind of thing that he wanted in a pack. Enforcement of all laws equally. Fairness. And it was something that Newt also seemed to appreciate. His opinion of her seemed to continually improve. "I am sure that your pups will have a good home, then, if what you say is true." This was a truth, in Lovatt's eyes. This female had lofty goals, but if she could stay true to them, then her pack would be a good place to raise children. All laws equally enforced upon all wolves, with none exempt. A place where any wolf would be welcome, whether they were 'good' or 'evil.'

The male's ears flicked slightly as he turned a thoughful gaze upon the direction he'd come from. "I will ask if they will come with me to your lands." The male spoke slowly, "Because your pack sounds like one in which we would fit in well." Another pause came as Lovatt tried to figure out how to say this properly, "However, I know little of this area, and it may be some time yet before we approach your borders." There. Because he could make no promises. He was not willing to leave his newly discovered family behind, and if the Lentajin Pack did not capture their hearts, then as much as Lovatt liked it, he would not approach its borders. He would follow them. He was not willing to lose these wolves again.

After a long moment, he shrugged and looked back at the behemoth of a female. "But no matter what is decided, I would like you to know that your pack is one that you should be proud of." Lovatt's tail flicked slightly in the air as he spoke.
