
≡ my heartbeat to your lies


04-08-2013, 07:51 PM

her life were carved by inconceivable cruelty and violent affliction; the suffering she had endured, the pain, the loneliness and intense neglect?defining who she was as a daughter, a woman, and a lethal predator. honing her bestial need for solitary transgressions, the state of infinite isolation, in which she possessively wrapped the burning hatred of her heart and soul; the calamity of physical, emotional and mental ruination?she craved it all, yearning with a passion so sadistic, aggressive and raw she had all but starved for its frenzied addiction. as the sweet, midnight rain hazily danced above the sultry contours of her shimmering flesh, lucrecia hissed and grieved in a chilling melody; howling to their eternal skies, in an unearthly and graceful prayer. so endless, so volatile, their savagery wickedly encompassed her beautiful and animalistic being. the thunder and lightening, as it flashed in the depths of her seductive eyes. shrouding her elegant visage in a lustful veil of enigma, an unbridled and shrieking violence. she was their storm, their monsoon?invoking her misery, her love, her deliverance; invoked the menacing indignation of wrathful angels.

delicately, she slips towards eternity; dancing as darkness led her into a path of mortal decadence and unescapable sorrow?guided by faith, bewitched by love and the romancing gestures of anticipated pleasure. renewed; reborn, as though she were writhing in the arms of an unseen lover?whose lips touched hers, gave her life, hope and intense vigor?restoring her will and passion to live. her heart had been reclaimed, caressed in a gentleness so ardent and pure. and she were more glorifying, more salacious and gorgeous than ever?breathing in the moment of her divine resurrection, reveling in the memory of her sweetest sins.



04-08-2013, 08:50 PM

Silken curves deliver the woman across the earth, and the bitch?s spidery gait in no way falls short of the creature that wields it. She is a demon, a transgressor, a sinner, and she is devoted to one thing, and one thing solely. Self-pleasure. Her life is built about the fundamentals of sadism and masochism, interest in other things falling quite short. Like a black widow she prays upon the male race, her indifference to life blatant with each she passes through. She is a lover, true at heart, but never does she deny the chances to spill blood. Twisted, sadistic, infatuated with the things which are hers. The world, which is hers. Where there is life there is the monochromatic harpy, sizzling in her urges, her sensual need, and her only demands to watch life fail, for it is all she has ever seen.

Her bosom, upon which usually rests her onyx serpent, the subtle rise and fall quickens as she begins to boil with excitement. She is not alone. She is presented a gift on the fine day, a woman. A woman that is hopefully no more appreciative of life than the silken babe. However, her disregard does not stop her, no, it draws her forth more, and it brings her into the lights of the sky. Her firm physique winds towards the ghostly other, and a flame ignites in the trollop, ?So alone??




04-08-2013, 10:42 PM

"i am never alone, no," she licks her lips, purring passively, a soothing, gentle crescendo; allured by their deviant prowess and fleshly warmth; pressing the curve of her hot fangs against her narrowing jaws - her tongue, lithe and damp, slithering in a delicate, and seething gesture. she whispers and bathes, her voice ravenous and smoldering, as they wrap their sensual fatigue in mysterious elation. lucrecia, in her morose and brooding demeanor?sighing, and full of coquettish provocation. her voice were always soft, deceptively tender. sweet and immaculate, as the seconds?hours?dripped with all the promise of female carnality. lucrecia's eyes, how they burned in violet and lavender waves; caress those sublime features, of the svelte and flaxen-haired woman. touching her porcelain cheekbone in an amorous motion, tracing brinshana's elegant collarbone with all the ardor of a starving vampire.

"i am perfectly satisfied, in my desolation," lucrecia leans closer, whispering in a hiss of affectionate contentment. feeling the cold rain as it touched her body; moistening her golden curls in heavy, silken layers that cascaded along her willowy shoulder-blades. her lips smirk, playful and apathetically cruel; their curve, lush and beautiful - laced in venom and morphine; conniving, unreadable as stone. she, so full of life and hunger, yet pulsed as one with the wicked and dying.



04-09-2013, 06:28 AM
Words beat themselves into her skull, twisting, turning, and devouring her thoughts, washing them in the other?s sin. Her supple and elegant frame all that the achromatic woman needs to feel enthralled. Such an omnipotent creature like Brinshana, falling into the grasps of earthly desires, and she loathes the lack of stability to deny it all. Discharging herself from the presence of the ethereal goddess before her must only be sinful. How can she deny such a rapturous mortal her own presence? The colorless whore is perfect. No other word better exemplifies her own assessment.

?Perfectly? Indulge me my nameless empyrean,? dripping off her tongue in angelic musing, her words are formed only for this harpy, for none have been so established in their standings. Luscious curves aspire to demolish the abhorrent space between them. Remarkable. Simple remarkable. Her tongue darts from inky lips and exposes more treachery, unleashes her turmoil, and completes her indulging words, ?Is silence your pleasure, or is it something more interesting?? She is clear, unmasked, and open. Her mind?s innermost thoughts being poured unto Lucrecia, and she does not hesitate to stop before her, waiting for the possible catastrophe that is both their venomous encounter and the downpour of the heavens.

When I am Queen I will insist
with perfect scars upon my wrists


04-09-2013, 09:12 PM

"silence, is like a drug; a starving, omnipresent being; to be imagined, anticipated, pursued, lusted after - silence, it aches to be filled; and yet is mysterious and equally complacent. when i dream of silence, i listen for moans; screams; the thrash of violent, warm bodies slick with moist heat. the tender whispers shared between lovers as they exchange, kiss after frenzied kiss. silence - silence is like a lover: amorous, erotic and responsive. silence can be anything, both torment and gentle relief. reflective, dangerously soothing, like a sinful and forbidden temptation?but always wild with passion, so full of violent and unspoken need," her voice, laced in an exotic, scandinavian accent inundates in a fiercely, captivating tempo?ruinous, and elegantly beguiling?thrums softly; slides in a gentle and wanting hiss. lucrecia touches her own lips. tasting with her tongue, smoothing its glossy curve in a thirsting ardency; whispering in predacious eloquence, so affectionate it mirrored her lethal, unmerciful devotion. mesmeric, delighted to feast on the mistress' tempestuous resolve. to torment her with a desire so selfish, so obsessive, so pure, lucrecia yearned to feel?touch, taste?the sweetest revelation from her own lips.

she found her existence sublime, liberating; brinshana, an erotic and malevolent enchantress that buried lithe nails into the carnal residue of her aching flesh. parting skin and bone, meat and tissue, until cleaved wide in glorified abandon; revealing the memories of her immortal soul. brinshana evoked such a brutal, uncontrollable desire. inciting shameless wants; shameless satisfaction. she, breathed for this, screamed for this; a dark, unconventional beauty?devoid of guilt nor regret, living only in a language of love and unimaginable pleasure. "in silence, i can hear your breathing. feel your heart beating, as it thirsts between the shadows of your breast, " lucrecia whispers, enticing gently; her slender body folding, brushing delicately against brishana's swelling, and lascivious curves. their silhouette entwined in the darkness, touched in an evening chill casted by the moon. lucrecia drew nearer, drawn to her warmth; overwhelming, a sweet sigh leaves her lips. a delicate nail lifted, roaming in its svelte curve, longing to trace the contour of brinshana's chin. to caress the white witch in an embrace so tender, where lucrecia may press her mouth, hissing seductively against brinshaha's ear. "your heart?does it beat for me?"



04-13-2013, 12:52 PM
Her existence, nay, their existence is something so succulent and while they are creatures the saints would rebuke, they are creatures placed together so efficaciously. Her breath is draws evenly, and yet her heard ricochets in her chest, each powerful beat quickening and tearing more violently through her corpse. O how it aches; O how she loves it! Lucrecia is so delectable, her mere breath upon the blanched face of Brinshana is enough for the heterochromatic fiend to feel her most adamant fire yet.

Her lyrics were like a divine symphony. So well composed, orchestrated to perfection, swathed in passion, and yet there was a violent tremor only the white Queen could come to find alluring. Only she could feel the trembling need to satiate her lust with the woman. So perfect, so right, so abusive it was to stand at her side and breath in her divine scent. There was silence from the babe, her eyes swimming only with fervent passion and laborious ache. With due haste her demanding and lovingly intrusive partner would brief a question, and it would ascend from lips. Brinshana's lips would tilt into a cruel, coy, smile and she would sing for her bird, "If you so long to know, feel it, feel it slam against my bones, feel the indention you've made upon it," Her salacious tones would draw closed as the bitch turned her head into the touch of the lovely Lucrecia. She attempts to press her chest towards the girl and a kiss directs itself to lovingly move into Lucrecia's nape. Distance was something that had become quite intolerable.
When I am Queen I will insist
with perfect scars upon my wrists


04-21-2013, 05:16 PM
"how i long to taste you. to soothe you in the comfort of my loving embrace. a woman as beautiful, and passionate, as you; o, how they - men and woman alike - would beg to have you," her voice were sweet, compelling; laced in a delicate mercy, as poison rushed through the constituent darkness of her soul. deepened by lust and burning sensuality, an unsatiated hunger wickedly, arose. infatuation: need, want, the lascivious affirmation lucrecia so desperately ached for. a scent infused of desire, and intense demand, as it hung deliciously between the vengeful goddesses - their silhouettes, passionately intwined. fed by a thirsting urgency. the craving to have and possess, to swallow their souls, until their hearts would beat as one. she could feel brinshana's lips dancing softly along her flesh. tasting her. caressing her. gliding against the contours of her neck. touching in smooth, long strokes until lucrecia threw her elegant head back - in a slow and gentle movement - whispering a deep, throaty moan. "mmm, more. i love how you kiss me; the way you taste me," lucrecia hissed, purring. her breath misting against brinshana's cheek. as she invites brinshana into the warmth of her amative curves. to devour her skin. to sink her lust so violently, lucrecia would immerse in the ache. the pain. the pleasure, so divine; i would find heaven in your embrace. lucrecia's lips twist in devious inclination - and in a swift, yet delicate movement, lucrecia would wrap a slender arm against brinshana's form. she draws the woman closer. lithe, black nails tapping possessively over the swell of brinshana's hip, lacing a hot talon against brinshaha's inner thigh. "i love every second of you. every touch. every kiss." every moan.

Image by Lutara. Code by Azil. Do not use without permission.