
I met lightning on the battlefield and he taught me how to dance

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
08-11-2015, 12:18 AM
Shaye was eager to get home snd talk about her big day. She wanted to tell rhythm too, to tell her aunt she had started to get into sparing. But in this, perhaps her mother could be proud of her. The two of them hadn't always seen eye to eye, shaye and her auntie had always been closer then daughter and mother but fighting had always been motifs turf, something she had been comfortable with and proud to compete in. She felt an unexpected boost of pride and confidence at the thought of what her mother might say about tuis and eager stuck her nose into her mumma's den in search of the woman. Motif would be there, lying in the soft earth with Vail in her lap, bathing the much younger wolf. Vail was growing quickly, but she was still so much smaller then shaye. The oldest daughter moved forward to kiss her sisters forehead before turning to her mother. "You won't believe the day I had! I met an alpha of another pack, and he was awesome! He started to teach me how to fight, and he was real patient mumma, he was all proper like a real teacher, like Rhythm but with fighting. He showed he how to do this stance stufd and protected all my important bits. I didn't know fighting could be so fun! He's alpha of my best friends pack! I wanna do it again, can I mumma?" She really wasn't giving motif a chance to speak, but it was all so exciting and she just wanted to get it out there. She watched the expressions play oht on motifs face, from surprise to pleasure to thoughtfulness.


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.

Motif I


4 Years
08-11-2015, 12:44 AM
Motif didn't intent to let Vail out of her sight ever again, or at least not until she was a year old. She had gotten quite a shock and she knew she wouldn't be over it for a good long while. So it would be no surprise that she could be found curled up in her den grooming her little one when shaye burst in. She raised her head to eye her daughter, opening her mouth to speak a greeting but didn't quite manage in time before the onslaught of speech burst free of shaye. She spoke about an alpha of another pack, but clearly it was all a good experience. She spoke of fighting, and she spoke of it with the same joy that had once been upon motifs lips before she had found herself too caught up in other important things in life, of shai and her two daughters. There would definitely be pride in motifs eyes as she eyed shaye she waited until she finished speaking before she opened her mouth "don't get too excited but I have an idea. You enjoyed this wolf as a tutor?" She didn't really need to ask, it was obvious she did. She thought of star, of how she had gone to another pack to learn. It was an interesting idea and she of course had to meet this alpha before she suggested it. "I'll have to speak to Allen first.." She added, wondering if her daughter would catch on to what her mother was thinking. If this alpha was what made shaye interesting in fighting then she would seek him out and make it worth his while to teach her daughter. At last, her healer loving daughter began to show an aptitude for what motif loved. She smiled, reached forward, and kissed shaye "let me see what i can do" she finished. She would speak to Allen for permission, get directions from shaye to his pack, and then maybe, just maybe, she would set her plan in motion.