


08-09-2015, 05:19 PM

At last...he'd made it. Drenched in the blanket of dark mud from his little adventure, his pelt was sticky and at odd angles. He truly did look deranged, if not already noted from the look in his eyes. Heavy pawsteps carried him down into the darkness of the world that lived below the surface. Cold amber eyes flickered about the scenery, his giggles and laughter echoing all around him. His whispered words towards himself bounced off the walls, little creatures scurried to hide from the man that exuded nothing but insanity. His head twitched once in a while, his left ear flopped against his head with a dull thwack each time he shook with the exhilaration at what he might find. Would he stumble upon a tasty morsel? Perhaps someone looking to save their fur? Or maybe he'd even run into his dearest, he couldn't remember exactly when he'd seen her last. The inseparable pair had been ironically separated by a cruel hand of fate. No matter, he'd survived this long. Kept himself entertained with his antics.

Delirious from lack of water, and also lack of...a sane mind, he crawled further into the pits of Hells' River. Eyes flickering at all sides as the heat slowly baked the left side of his body. He walked along the edges, gaze now turned towards the burning fire. What was it like to touch it? What would it look and feel like if someone were unfortunate enough to fall in? How long would it take to sizzle down to nothing? Maybe...he'd bring someone here someday to slowly roast them alive. The thought brought a creepily wicked grin to his face, "Bottom's up...Hahahahahehehehuhuhu" His laughter echoed throughout the cavern, a would be chilling sound if there was anyone around to here it.




2 Years
08-09-2015, 05:32 PM

The dark woman had decided to go back to Hell's River once again. The burning earth and the smell of death and decay was noticeable as she breathed in the bitter and intoxicating fragrance of smoke and earth. She was carrying Sin's pups, bringing in new life to take over the lands, and she was happy that she could be a part of the man's bidding, even if she was usually the one being the dominate wolf. However, it would be impossible with the alabaster male, he was like her brother, only, more sane than he was. Though, as if by magic, thinking about Diablo happened to bring him noticeable in her gaze, and she gave a small laugh when she heard his laugh, how it echoed in her ears and brought back memories of way back when.

"So, I see that you have not changed at all, brother. That is very good to hear,"
She chuckled and smiled, her eyes showing mischief, but, she walked back over beside the male and gave her a playful nudge to the shoulder.
"It is good to see you again, Diablo."


Ylva is rather manipulative and is mostly causing fights on some occassions. You have been warned.

Etani, Ylva's brother, is allowed to enter any or all threads that Ylva is in, unless otherwise noted.


08-10-2015, 01:38 AM

Head cocked and whipped around as the sound of a voice so familiar touched his ears, dripping like the tendrils of poison ivy crawling down an oak tree. The sound was soothing, dulling the appetite for hunger as she approached him. Her touch sent a shock up his body, driving his mind into a another spark of insanity, but the good kind. He whined as he rubbed his body along hers, head brushing under her chin like a pup that hadn't seen its mother in days. "Ylva my beloved, I've missed you!" He grunted as he licked at her face. It was an odd sight, to see a full grown man act in such a manner, but he wasn't completely right in the head. With his sister around, he acted differently. She practically controlled him, so his affections for her were great. He was needy for her, and it had always been this way since they were children. His tail wagged as he embraced her, the male ecstatic to see her once more. How long had it been? A season? Maybe less? He wasn't sure. All he knew was that it was a lonely world without his sister around.

As he took a small step back, tongue still slithering out to kiss her face, he caught a scent unlike any he'd smelled upon her before. A confused tilt of his head brought a clouded question to his eyes, wondering what was different here. All he could see was that she had probably gotten a little pudgy, which was unlike her. "It looks like you've gotten a little fat. Boredom making you eat while I was away?" He giggled a little as he stared his infamous stare, waiting for a smart remark from his dear sister.




2 Years
08-10-2015, 01:46 AM

The dame would feel the gentle movement of her brother, embracing her and making it seem as if everything was back to normal once again. The sound of his menacing yet comforting voice brought comfort and happiness back to the woman as she chuckled, sitting on her haunches as her tail wrapped around her side. Her mint green eyes focused on the piercing yellow gaze that her brother happened to possess, and she grinned.

"Ha! Very funny, brother of mine. But, you seem to be the one acting like a little pup, licking me and embracing me. Though, it is good to see you after all this time. I have had a commitment to this other male who is as dark-minded as both of us. I am helping him create pups that shall take over these lands in their dark and sinister ways, I need you to join and help him in whatever way he may need assistance with,"
Ylva spoke, her eyes showing seriousness and her maw having a smug smirk across her lips.


Ylva is rather manipulative and is mostly causing fights on some occassions. You have been warned.

Etani, Ylva's brother, is allowed to enter any or all threads that Ylva is in, unless otherwise noted.


08-10-2015, 02:20 AM

Aaww...he guessed it was time to stop heckling her and settle down. Ears perked forward as much as they could, his lopsided left ear twitched at an awkward angle. Yes, yes it was funny wasn't it!? Diablo could be the funny creature if he really wanted to, but only for his sister would the laughter be saved. He could be funny to others too, but only he would find his sense of humor funny while others would find it quite terrifying indeed. He pouted a little when she said he was acting like a pup, the man stretching forward and rolling onto his back as he pawed up towards her face as she spoke. He lightly nipped at her fore paws, though not enough to cause discomfort but perhaps more like a fly bothering about a horses legs. The mud upon his coat crackled, the male half listening to her scoldings until a rather interesting tune caught his attention.

Immediately he jumped up to his feet, crazed yellow gaze peering at her belly as he walked around to poke at it. He raised one large paw and prodded at her enlarged belly, a look of wonder and disbelief etched into his wild stare. " have things in there? Little tasty morsels eh?" He licked his lips, yellowed teeth glimmered in the faint light created by the river of fire just feet from them. Of course, his sister knew he referred to children as tasty morsels. He had never eaten one, but since they were as small as rodents in his eyes, well...rodents made for good snacks once in a while. Especially the plump ones with longs ears, those were always good too. "You-you say a man? What's he like? Quite the handsome one for you to go and get fat for him, oh yes indeed." He giggled as he stared at her belly again, as if the creatures inside would come tearing out like aliens. "I do whatever you ask, you know this." He turned to her with a wicked grin.




2 Years
08-10-2015, 02:33 AM
Ylva chuckled and grinned, happening to see a small mouse that happened to meet her gaze. She snarled and lunged forward, picking up the rodent by the tail, it's squeaking and calling out only made the woman laugh, approaching the fire that bubbled near them caught her interest, plopping the rodent into the burning fire, it's screaming echoing in her ears as she gave a small breath of relaxation. Her eyes soon happening to meet her brother's when she felt his paw pressing against her stomach.

"You will be having little evil nieces and nephews. I, also, wish for you to teach them the art of fighting when they become old enough, and, teach them your evil ways as i and my master shall do the same. His name is Sin, and, he is much like you and I, more lawful about his evil intentions if anything," she chuckled and sat down, placing her paw across his muzzle and tugging on his ear in a playful fashion, a small laugh coming through her vocal cords.
Ylva is rather manipulative and is mostly causing fights on some occassions. You have been warned.

Etani, Ylva's brother, is allowed to enter any or all threads that Ylva is in, unless otherwise noted.


08-11-2015, 01:31 AM
He stared as she snapped up another mouse...his sister must have a fetish with them, she was always torturing the poor things and attracted them like flies to dung. It was quite funny in his eyes, the monster stifled a giggle as she dangled it over the inferno. When he heard the rapid fire screams of the little thing, he laughed, "So that's what it's like...I wanna try!" His excitement was obvious as he bounced on his toes, a wicked grin on his maw as he turned to gaze at her, sheer delight in his eyes. "But I wanna try with something bigger! I wanna hear them scream sis!" Now the question was, who could he lure here to "accidentally" push into the fire?

He playfully nipped at her paw as she explained what was to come, his heart pounding at his sisters touch and the thought of meeting this "Sin" guy his sister grew so fond of. Also, the prospect of having little welps he could train was quite fascinating. "Oooh that does sound like fun! Can I teach them that it's okay to eat others like us? They're so tasty sis! I can't get enough of them!" His cannibalism was something he had recently discovered, but he loved it!



2 Years
08-11-2015, 01:40 AM
Ylva couldn't help but laugh at her brother's monstrous intentions. Her mint green orbs meeting her brother's as she grinned, her fangs poking from her mouth as she approached the devilish brute that was her sibling. The smell of the smoke seemed to have made her much more sadistic than she was letting on for others; however, she always seemed to be putting on an act to get whatever she wanted to get out of or from someone. Her brother's bickering that he wished to eat another of their kind made her tremble, however, it was in a good way. She was as wicked as he was, but, was more sane than her brother.

"You know i cannot stop your intentions as much as I wish to, brother. I do not give a damn what you do, but, you will treat Sin with respect for he is my master, and your leader. My job for him is to produce strong offspring who could make this land a living Hell. Wouldn't that be fantastic, Diablo?" She laughed in a sadistic and troublesome manner, her eyes narrowing to show the evil intentions that she was letting on. "I do trust you to make them little monsters who can kill and fight without a second thought. The strong shall rule the weak, and the weak shall die a miserable and cruel death, that is what I want you to teach them as will I once the pups become of age."
Ylva is rather manipulative and is mostly causing fights on some occassions. You have been warned.

Etani, Ylva's brother, is allowed to enter any or all threads that Ylva is in, unless otherwise noted.