


04-02-2013, 11:23 PM

Her belly was swollen, heavy with the youth she carried within her womb, it was noticeable now, just barely, but noticeable. The dame felt the excessive weight in her back and in her legs. They were killing her but she did not stop. Her eyes were sunken in, face gaunt, coat absolutely immaculate, gorgeous, stunning, and her mind was shattered. She had promised a way to escape this pain, perhaps keep a piece of her mind. Leave, never glance upon the cruel kings face again...why was he cruel? Ghost could not remember, she couldn't remember much of anything. There were too many voices, too many whispers, she couldn't stop them, she couldn't control them, she could not save herself this time. They would kill her.

After her talk with the Alpha, she had vanished, taken off into unknown territory and came across the direwolf the massive dame Newt, she offered Ghost everything anything, a chance to save her mind, but something had made her ask the woman for a chance to think. Why? For what purpose? The ivory creature did not know. She had traversed the lands for a few weeks, wandering here and there and finally a scent, one she could not remember but one that sparked...something, had trapped her nose. Good, bad, evil, or kind it made her feel, it made her feel and forget the white noise that never let her be, never left her alone.

Her steps were staggered uneven, she walked from exhaustion, from soreness, from something that she could not seem to out run and every step she took every squish her pad made within the sand... sand? When had she gotten to the beach? It mattered not. She followed the scent like a creature damned and it led her to a small cave. It was tiny, testing her claustrophobia... did she have claustrophobia? She couldn't remember, her back legs bowed beneath her, the cavern was empty but the scent was strong and it soothed her. her front legs bent, quivering and giving out and with a great huff, she fell amongst the rock and sand and pleaded to the Gods, to anyone who would listen to take her broken mind from her, she could bare this insanity no longer.



04-03-2013, 11:55 AM

He left a faint trail in the sand, now being washed away by the wind and water, leaving almost no trace of his existence. He moved in a slow plod, far from eager to reach his destination, even stopping to wonder if he should turn back now and stop. He couldn't go there, not to the place he had seen her last, not to the place where she disappeared and seemingly stopped existing. Not there. Not to his old den. But he had to. He had to know that she was gone, know that she was never coming back, know that his cubs were somewhere else being raised without a father. He whined and looked out to the sea, the once calming waves now only reminded him that he was alone and that his Ghost was gone.

Slowly he approached the mouth of the cave, his whole body freezing and his eyes growing wide as he caught the scent, that gloriously familiar scent that he could revel in for the rest of his life and never dare forget. He ran into the cave and stopped. He looked at the creature before him and could almost feel a tear rolling down is cheek. "Ghost." he breathed, his eyes not once daring to leave her body for fear that it might leave if he looked twice. It was her, it had to be. He approached her silently and nuzzled her cheek, his heart soaring as fur brushed against fur. She was real, she was there, she had come back to him! He dropped beside her, resting his head on top of her neck and wrapping his paws around her as best as he could, begging her closer and praying he would never have to let her go. "I am here Mi Amor"
He whispered. "I am here."



04-09-2013, 06:29 AM
(the thread said anyone could join so if you guys don't mind i want to throw Segolia in this.)

Segolia walked across the pack lands, she was glad that she got this chance to finally get back to what she loves to do. The day was a decent one, the sun was out and everyone seems to be enjoying them selves. Her eyes caught the sight of a fea who was with pups, segolia noticed that the fea was walking at an uneven pace. Was she in pain? Segolia did not know but she would check it out just to make sure that the fea was alright. Mostly that the pups that she was barring was safe. Her ears perked up as the fea walked into the cave, and not to far behind her followed a brute.'That must be here mate' She thought to her self as the male also dispeered into the cave.

Segolia started to walk towards the cave that the other two also walked into. Her foot steps were smooth, and silent. She stepped into the cave to see the two wolves talking. The way the fea was standing it confirmed she was hurting somewhere. Segolia walked up to the two wolves and in a sweet calm voice she spoke."Hello there, i am segolia the packs new healer. I could not help notice that you are not feeling so well ma'm" She said as she stood there looking at the other two, they seemed to be well in love, but something was not right. They were having pups but yet they both seemed so depressed in a way. She was not sure as to what the problem was, but that was not her concern as to what there problems were.


04-09-2013, 08:26 PM

She could see nothing, flashes, images of color, little more and nothing less. madness descended upon her like a plague, robbing her of coherent thought, it caged her mind and broke her spirit, it began long ago and now had been renewed, she saw nothing, recognized nothing. She could not remember, she could not see. What she blind, deaf? Perhaps insanity had stolen even the most base of instincts from her. Did she require nourishment or drink? Rest or sleep? She did not know. She could not remember! Her mind was gone, shattered, vanquished. She was dying, her illness would take her. her madness had finally caught up with her, it was claiming its wretched victim. The one it had let linger to long.

The calamity inside her head grew to a fever pitch. Screams of agony, wails of sorrow, cries of retribution and revenge. She didn't know why the screamed, she didn't know what they wanted, her mind was a shattered ruin of broken thoughts and scattered dreams. Memories that were far too foggy to differenciate, they plagued like a scratched record. Repeating themselves again and again and again, but she could not see the images, she could not make out the pictures.

She collapsed among a scent that her brain managed to connect with something familiar. She registered sand beneath her belly and darkness encompassing her vision. Her breathing was labored and heavy, her ribs were pressed against her flesh, invisible to the naked eye thanks to the length of silk she called her fur.Her abdomen was distended and swollen, heavy, now halfway through her term. Her pupils were blown wide, disoriented, vacant. Ghost was not present in that gaze. Her mandible hung limp and open, froth forming at the edges of her lips. Random muscle spasms caught her and she twitched violently, almost seeming to seize. Whines and cries, whimpers against her will left her larynx constantly.

There was something with her, something warm and vaguely she realized they would watch her die... or perhaps they would offer her a strand of pity and end her life themselves. She could take no more and she yearned for her body to shut down.



04-13-2013, 01:36 PM

His celebration at his mates return was cut short. Something was wrong and it filled his heart with panic. "Ghost?" he whimpered feebly, his tongue caressing the bridge of her nose. "Say something. Please." He begged. What was wrong? What had happened to her? It was in that moment that he noticed the healer. Without a second glance he looked into her eyes, his wide and begging and cried: "Please save her!" She was Ghost's only hope, her only chance to see her pups grow to full term and watch them wiggle toward her breasts hungrily in search of food, her only hope of watching him and his pups rip down the beach together in lackadaisical play. "Please." He whimpered helplessly. "Please!" He held onto her desperately, trying to calm his mate in a vain effort to recover her shattered mind and body.



04-13-2013, 01:53 PM

Listening to the male's words Segolia knew that she needed to do something to help the Dame. She opened her herb bag and begun to rummage through it, "Ghost, is it, can you tell me what is going on." She pulled out a few herbs and begun to smash them up using her paw. Segolia was making a simple herb mix to help with fever, and to make sure the babies will be alright during the process. Her eyes turned to the dame who was laying there, she pushed the herb mix on to leaf and picked it up. "Eat this ma'm, it will help."

Segolia placed the herb mix upon the ground as she placed her paw on the dame's belly. The small kicked of pups hit her paw, a smile arose upon her maw. The puppies were moving well, just like they should be. "The babies seem to be fine." She spoke as she looked over Ghost some more. On the out side it clearly shows that she was in pain, and not doing well, but it did not show as much as she needed.

Segolia walked around to the other side of the dame, once again she could not see anything with the naked eye. Her ears pinned to ehr head for a bit then they went back up. She turned towards Segar "If she dose not eat that by her own we will need to feed it to her. That is where i will need some help."She paused " Can you think of anything that could make her feel like this. Anything at all."Segolia needed some answers, and soon.



04-22-2013, 09:59 PM
The dame finally felt the blackness eat away her vision. her body ceased its senseless twitching and her eyes slid shut, body falling still, she let the darkness consume her, drag her down to depths unseen. At the moment, she never cared if she ever reawakened.

-exit Ghost-


04-26-2013, 01:18 PM

"She has a disease of the mind." He yelped, "But I do not see how that would have made her so ill." He said. He watched the dam fall into unconsciousness and his heart sank. His woman was dying, he could feel her life dimming and dulling just barely apparent in the slow rise and fall of her ribs "SAVE HER! PLEASE SAVE HER!" He begged, the thought of losing her and his pups crossing his mind. What had happened to his beautiful angel? What had made her so decrepit and without life? Who had stolen his angel? Who could he blame for hurting his lover so terribly?



04-26-2013, 02:18 PM

The Dame fell unconscious before her eyes, It was time to get in to top gear. Segolia dumped out her herb bag and begun to pull out several herbs. Picking up the herbs she laid in front of the dame, Segolia prided open the female's mouth and force fed her the herbs. Her ears perked up as the male said that she had a mental illness. Segolia looked at him "That explains as to why i did not find anything physically wrong with her. The spasms are caused from her mind. This changes my approach. She switched out the herbs from red and green to a purple and blue colored ones."I need you to stand close top her and if she wakes up keep her still i need to feed her several herbs."

Segolia smashed up several herbs, her body was working in a fast but in a professional manor. She mixed up several different herbs. Segolia picked them up and begun to force feed it to Ghost. "These herbs are to help ease up her mental illness, it won't fully remove it, but it will make it like it is faded in the background. It is to help her manage it some more." She spoke as she continued to feed the herbs to the dame. She had treated the female due to her findings, and what the male had told her. Now all that is left is to keep an eye on her. Segolia turned to Segar We need to get her to the healers den, i can do more for her there."
