
Just Out



03-28-2013, 04:33 PM
Ooc: Forgot to put in title but thread is OPEN!

Paws moved slowly over the green lands, head held low and tail swaying behind her. Loccian decided to go for a walk, enjoy the weather. She had no duties today, no wounds to smear herbs on or anything else. She had the time to go out. As she walked she held her head up to the sky, taking in a long deep breath of the warm air. Today was hotter than usual but she didn't mind too much since she had shed most of her winter coat.

The shewolf soon found herself on the beach, in the southern part of Seracian territory. Since joining this pack the female had never come here, she just didn't think about it, mostly stuck around inland. As she walked her storm grey eyes looked out to the large body of water she was approaching, head tilting to the side in curiousity. Never before had she been around so much water, only rivers and small lakes. Moving forward she suddenly froze as the ground beneath her paws changed from hard to soft and cool, grainy. She lowered her head and sniffed, quickly pulling her head away when sand went up her nose, blowing it out. It burned.

After a few moments of that she finally moved forward, each paw stepping onto the cool sand while eyes stared out at the water.


03-29-2013, 12:56 PM

Her father had told her to find Loccian, to learn the ways of healing. Kamala doubted that she would ever be an expert at it, but the female had decided that her father raised a good point, and had wandered off in search of Loccian not too long after their conversation. It hadn't been long enough that his biggest news wasn't weighing on her thoughts, but Kamala figured now was not a time to dwell on that. Instead, the female focused on tracking Loccian down. The healer was around; her scent trail lead Kamala on a merry little chase through the lands.

It took her a while to reach the beach, which she had never noticed Loccian on before, but before too long, Kamala found her gaze settling on the gray figure of their pack's lead healer. Excellent. Tail flicking slightly, Kamala padded forward to approach the other, sniffing the air as she moved along. "Lady Loccian." Kamala called out a greeting, wagging her tail slightly as she approached the female.

Her King had instructed her to seek out Loccian, and she had done so. Now, Kamala would wait to see what Loccian had to say. Perhaps the female would be uninterested in dealing with a yearling right then. Kamala would accept that and move on. She would have to inform the Marquess of what her father had requested Kamala do first, of course.

With that in mind, Kamala inclined her head slightly, speaking softly. She was a little uncomfortable around this female who was not a member of her family, but she had to hide that. As the Grand Duchess, she had to be able to look comfortable around all. So with a flick of her tail, a smile appeared on Kamala's features. "Lady Loccian, my father has requested that I learn at least the basics of healing from you." She paused for a moment, "Would you be willing to teach me?" Kamala asked this now, turning a hopeful gaze upon the female. She did want to learn. Healing was not her passion, would likely never be, but Kamala wanted to learn.

It was a necessary art, and a useful one, and hopefully the lady before Kamala would be willing to teach her at least a little. There was also the Baroness Segolia, but that was not Kamala's first choice.

Table by Azil. Do not use without permission.



03-29-2013, 09:07 PM

She had been off in her own little world while walking along the beach, walking just where the water moved onto the sand but suddenly retreated. Grey eyes watched this action, head tilted to the side. She would come to a stop, moving a bit closer to water so that when it approached, it would lick her paws and retreat. It brought a small smile to her face, yes it was cold but it felt nice on her warm paws. With her mind someplace else she did not notice the scent the wind brought around her, nor heard footsteps until a voice suddenly called her name. The shewolf turned her head quickly in the direction it came from, a surprised look on her face as she turned to face the King's daughter, Kamala.

Immediately the shewolf bowed her head out of respect to the King's daughter, answering her call with a, "Hello Miss Kamala." The shocked expression changed into a relaxed one, her tail waving slowly behind her and a smile on her face. It was a bit surprising for the yearling to come up to her, the two never really talked much but that wasn't because Loccian didn't want to. It was this that made her curious immediately, did she need Loccian to head back to camp for something? It didn't take long to figure out why she was here, for the Princess explained after calling her name. Gerhardt requested for her to learn some basic healing from Loccian. Then she asked if she was willing to teach her.

How could Loccian turn down this request? "Of course Miss, it would be an honor to teach you the art of healing." She answered her with a large smile, the young shewolf was now the second wolf to ask her for knowledge on the plants around them, the first being Maverick. It was nice hearing that her father wanted her to learn the art of healing, even if it was just basic stuff. By teaching her perhaps she could tell others, helping wolves out that know nothing about herbs. Less infections and deaths just from knowing the basics. "I am guessing that we should start now? If you wanted to do it another time then you would have waited for me to return." She added with a small laugh, an ear swiveling to the side, catching the sounds of water rolling over the beach.

My Speech!

Your Speech!



3 Years
03-30-2013, 03:27 PM
Loccian's greeting was met my an inclination of Kamala's head and the female flicked her tail slightly to show that she had heard. There was no need for the yearling to say anything else right then, so she stayed silent, ears pricked and head tilted slightly to the side as she awaited Loccian's response to her words. The female seemed almost . . . surprised that Kamala had sought her out. That was probably because Kamala had rarely spoken to the other female, even when she had been young.

But then again, Kamala had never been the most social of wolves. It was her family who drew the most words out of her and the friendliest gestures. They were the ones that she was closest too, and found herself the most content with. Around other wolves, she was almost shy, though that was something that Kamala was determined to overcome. The curious thing had always been an observer, but as the Grand Duchess, she would have to step it up a little. It wasn't even strangers that she really had issues with; it was the wolves that she wasn't all that close to but that she knew that really threw Kamala off.

Loccian's words brought a rapid wag of Kamala's tail, and the female inclined her head in the other's direction, "Thank you, Lady Loccian." Kamala spoke, a smile crossing her lupine features. "It is an honor to learn from you." A pause, during which Kamala examined the water almost absently, "I would like to begin as soon as possible, Madam." Kamala added as she glanced at the gray female once more. "But if it would be an imposition, I will gladly wait." Some might have rambled in their thanks, but Kamala liked to think that she kept it quick and concise. A thanks and an establishment of when they would begin. There was more padding to her words than she would have found had she not been raised in a pack that valued respect above all else, but that was all that Kamala knew.



04-09-2013, 03:46 PM

Kamala seemed eager to learn, causing Loccian to give a nod of her head as she thanked the older female, saying how it was an honor and now would be a good Now will be fine, though, we won't really find anything here. She motioned towards the beach, looking back to her with grey eyes. We will go inland, there should be plenty of plants to find in there. However, I don't wanna flood you with information so we will only do a few basics, then plan another time for me to take you out. That sound good? She asked with a warm smile, but instead of waiting there for a answer she turned and slowly began walking off the beach, paws meeting grass in no time.

ooc: Sorry for short reply, but didn't want this thread to sit here any longer without something.




3 Years
04-17-2013, 09:15 PM
Kamala listened to Loccian's words with a slight tilt of her head, committing her words to memory. It made sense that there would be little herbs on the beach, so the gray wolfess simply inclined her head, neglecting to comment and allowing a stretch of silence to fall as her gaze focused on the forest. What kind of herbs would she find in those woods? What kind of treasures would she find in plants that she had walked past every day of her life? It was an interesting thought, making Kamala flick her tail slightly as she glanced at Loccian once more.

The yearling nodded her head slightly as she cleared her thought, "It sounds fine to me. I would be honored to learn as much as you will teach me, Lady Loccian." With that spoken, Kamala began to pad daintily towards the forest, glancing at the gray Healer with a curious gaze. "If you don't mind me asking, Lady Loccian, what got you interested in healing?" A little nosy, perhaps, but the youngster was truly curious to learn a little bit more about the woman who would be educating her.

Coming to a stop a few steps away from the edge of the beach, Kamala waited for Loccian to lead the way. She pawed absently at the sand, enjoying the tickling sensation of the grains against her pawpads as she waited patiently, in no particular rush to begin her education. She was eager to begin, but waiting a little bit wouldn't hurt her, after all. And she wanted to hear what the healer had to say.



04-17-2013, 10:20 PM

The two headed away from the beach and into the forest, paws moving carefully around small plants without thought and silently as if nothing was beneath them. Grey eyes looked over the plants that begun to sprout up around them, picking out which ones would be easy for the young girl to remember when her ear suddenly swiveled to the side at her voice. If you don't mind me asking, Lady Loccian, what got you interested in healing? The shewolf didn't answer the question right away, just left it there for a bit as she lead the youngster further from the beach and into the forest where there were decent patches of vegetation that had different looking plants in each.

She had walked over to a cluster of plants varying in sizes from a foot to around three feet, folding her legs to sit down before them, turning her head to look at Kamala with a small smile but her eyes held a sort of pain. When I was younger my pack was not the nicest, they didn't allow me to go out to hunt or fight because of my size. I was to stay in camp, so instead of just sitting there I would help our pack's healer. He taught me most of the things that I know, and a few kind loners taught me a little more between the time I left my pack and before joining Seracia.That was how she got into it and she saw no other reason to explain more, there was no other reason for it really and she didn't want to go on answering any other personal questions so she quickly changed the topic.

She cleared her throat and lifted a paw off the ground to hook around a plant and pull towards them gently without damaging the stem. This is Agrimony, in can be found along rocks or around trees. It was a long stemmed plant, with small yellow flowers growing from the stem. Its dried leaves can be used to soothe swelling and burns and can be ingested to help with upset stomachs and other digestive problems. You must be careful though, large amounts can cause heart issues and be dangerous to pregnant and nursing mothers. Sh released the plant after letting Kamala examine it for a moment.




3 Years
04-22-2013, 06:35 PM

Silence reigned for the moment, leaving Kamala content as they made their way towards the forest. When Loccian spoke, Kamala pricked her ears in the other wolf's direction, tail waving contentedly in the air as the other wove a story of her life before Seracia. She seemed rather uninterested in continuing the conversation, however, so when Loccian changed the topic, Kamala simply inclined her head slightly, "Thank you for telling me, Lady Loccian." The female felt obligated to thank the other, for she didn't seem to have been entirely comfortable in telling Kamala her life's story. But that was understandable; the duo had never been the closest of wolves. Still, Kamala appreciated the fact that she had spoken when she had.

Here, however, Kamala found herself falling silent as she squeezed her eyes shut, fixing an image of this flower into her mind, along with the words spilling from Loccian's maw. "What kinds of herbs do you use for mothers?" Kamala asked curiously, flicking her ears in the female's direction as she lowered her muzzle to sniff curiously at the flower. The distinctive smell was committed to memory as best as Kamala could as she glanced up at Loccian once more. "And how much is a 'large amount?'" Kamala asked curiously, twitching her tail slightly as she glanced around.

She figured that she would have many questions as they began her education, but hey, it was better than not knowing anything at all. At least this way, if anyone was ever hurt around her, Kamala would be able to offer her assistance until the Lady Loccian herself could arrive. She would be able to serve Seracia in another way after all, it seemed.

Table by Azil. Do not use without permission.



04-23-2013, 11:12 AM

She gave a nod of her head at Kamala who thanked her for sharing her little life story on what brought her into the art of healing, making Loccian happy that she didn't try prying into her past more. It was something she did not like talking about, it always brought back bad memories, even when she tried not thinking about it. Sometimes they would keep her up at night, tossing and turning until she had enough of it and went for a walk. A walk did help, tiring her out so that when she came back she would fall right to sleep without any dreams.

Loccian watched the young shewolf close her eyes, probably her way of trying to remember the name of the plant, what it looked and smelled like and what it could be used for. After doing that for a moment she asked what could be used for mothers, and asking how much a 'large amount' of Agrimony would be that would be dangerous. She cleared her throat and stood with her head held high but with a warm smile. For Agrimony, a large amount would be more than five large leaves. She explained first before going on to talk about herbs for mothers. For mothers, do you mean while they are pregnant or after they already had the pups? She asked curiously, there were herbs for both of those but she wanted to know which one the young wolfess would like to know about.




3 Years
04-28-2013, 12:39 PM

Five leaves. Five leaves. Fiveleavesfiveleavesfiveleaves. The words ran together in a stream as Kamala tried to imprint them on her consciousness. It would likely never come easily to her, this committing of herbs to her memory. But for her family, she would try. There was a reason, however, that Kamala had never tried to pursue becoming a healer. The sooty female was more interested in the general pack's wellbeing, rather than the taking care of one individual wolf. If that made sense. Ears flicking, Kamala shook her head slightly as she glanced at Loccian again. "All right. I will remember that." Kamala nodded sharply. Five leaves.

Ears twitching, the yearling tilted her head slightly, "Hmm. Either or, really. Since you said Agrimony couldn't be used for pregnant females or for females who were nursing pups. What kinds of herbs should I use if they were to be injured?" With a slight smile on her features, Kamala examined the Marquess with bright eyes. She wanted to know about healing. At the very least, she wanted to know enough of the basics that she could tell her father that she had learned.

And it was this curiosity drove the female to open her maw once more. "What kind of herbs would you use for elderly wolves? Do they get different dosages? Or different herbs all together or what?" Kamala was ready to pepper Loccian with questions if the older female didn't restrain her any time soon. But hey, that was the point of learning, right?

Table by Azil. Do not use without permission.