
...Am I To Believe You Were All At A Picnic? {ABAVEN}


08-10-2015, 11:46 AM

Allen was stressed. Beyond stressed. He had been busy, but he had been trying to get things together for the pack. Gods above he had. But things had been slow... and it seemed like many members of the pack didn't even care about training. Shrike was in a funk. Motif was busy with her own daughters. As for many of the others well... they just seemed to not care! Tinaro, Lilliana, Calypsei... they were the three that had shown any interest at all in training. Thank goodness for them... but now there was something that needed to be discussed with the entire pack. Especially after the last training session fluke.

Nona would be excused if need be, so she could look after the little ones. But as for the rest if they didn't show there were going to be consequences for not arriving. He was done with this. How the calico man yearned for Bass to return. The pale man was the only one who had really kept Abaven members in line. Perhaps it was that he just wasn't respected enough as an alpha.

Allen would tilt his head back, calling for the members of Abaven. Let them come, because he had some strong words for those who were not active in their training. Something needed to be done.


"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah



7 Years

08-10-2015, 12:01 PM (This post was last modified: 08-11-2015, 08:59 PM by Lillianna.)
Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow.

Each step jarred her jaw, her face. Each step made fire light anew in those areas, causing her to wince - causing new fire, and then the cooling feel of blood trickle soothing it. A repeatable pattern, one that merely fueled her determination to get to that meeting, despite her slightly reopened wounds and the pain in her body. It was only a little blood, she reasoned: her wounds hadn't ripped completely open, just a little here and there.

It was then she found herself the first to arrive, and the girl stalked towards the front, seating herself in front of Allen. A green eye - the other covered - fixed him with a stare as she waited not so patiently for the others to arrive. Their first and last training had been only a few days prior - before meeting Evangeline. Now, she figured there was no point in training as Pera. Why? One would perceive one with such scars as a threat. IT was then her mind gave her a solution: if she were to look the threat, why not make it a reality? She felt the hatred in her welling up as she imagined the ability to rip Valentine's daughter to pieces - the bitch would pay for what she had done.

Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.



11 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KFamousTreat 2019
08-10-2015, 01:00 PM

The male stretched lazily beneath the bush he'd chosen to nap under. He had just joined Abaven only a few days ago, and he had been using the time to acquaint himself with the territories he now resided in. As he rose and stretched, a rather gaping yawn presented itself, and midway through his gaping gesture a call rang out for the members of Abaven. He paused for a moment, then proceeded to finish his yawn as he stretched out each limb in turn. Shaking his coat free of dirt and leaves, he sauntered towards the source of the sound. Sure that nobody had really shown up, he somewhat took his time. Though with his large size, his steps covered more ground then his smaller canine species. He wondered what this might be about, though given it was his first meeting as a new member, it had the potential to go good or bad. Personally, he didn't know anyone else here or what the goings on were. So with that in mind, he suddenly grew interested as he could witness his first "alpha yelling at the members for being lazy asses speech." A smirk pulled at his lips, as he continued his lumbering pace.

When he arrived, he saw a very displeased and disgruntled Allen. The man who had allowed him to join the pack despite Zell's not so friendly demeanor, and he had his reasons for that...but he also had determination, and maybe that's what Allen had seen in him. Crystal blue eyes also spotted a small female, a year old at best, sitting nearby as she fired off a question about training. Well now, wasn't that interesting. A kid wanted to lead a training session? His head tilted as he watched her, the giant coming to sit a little off to the side of Allen, though a respectable distance in front of him. He was sure that with his large size, he'd block the view of those who would hopefully gather, so why not save them the trouble now? "Morning boss. You seem a little frizzed today." His voice wasn't meant to offend, meant to sound more like a joke, but given the fact that it was Zell...Allen could take it whichever way he wanted.


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!


08-11-2015, 08:35 AM

He had been avoiding all calls for training. He had been avoiding Allen all together, in all honesty. When Starling left that was the last thing Shrike had needed, and depression had fallen upon the boy. He missed his parents, his sisters. He missed the fun they all had together as a family. So his training had gotten absolutely nowhere. He knew Allen was trying as hard as he could to arrange some one on one training with some of the yearlings, to get them into tip top shape... but... a sigh would pass his lips. His "uncle" wasn't the one he wanted to really train under. It was his dad.

Shrike would do his best to pull himself together as he headed for the meeting. He didn't really want to see any of the others as he sat down, but hell, you couldn't go to a gathering and expect to be the only one there. Gaze would quietly lift to Allen, noticing the distressed demeanor his body had.


Table by:: Eldarwen



8 Years
Extra large
08-12-2015, 12:32 PM
Shai was quiet, but that shouldn't have come as much surprise. While he was loyal to Bass and Abaven (and Allen in his stead) the behemoth's main concern was his growing family. He had two daughters to train, feed, and look after. Motif had been able for a moment, to allow Vail the freedom of the territory and he'd been spending as much time with her as he could. After the most recent of events though, her leaving the pack after Lillie, both parents had been more on edge. He'd done his best to get Motif to relax, Vail was resilient and would bounce back quickly and Lillie would heal in her own time as well.

Today he'd convinced Mo to let him take Vail out on a little patrolling mission, mostly to reiterate where it was the boundaries were and how important it was to stay within them. He'd met a few slave traders when he was younger and still lived with the tribe in the south. None of them would have thought twice about taking such a vulnerable little girl. While he wanted her confidence to return he also needed her to know that the world was dangerous.

The two would walk and talk, taking their time in circling the territories, about half way through though would come the sound of Allen's voice. Ushering his tiny child towards the meeting the two of them would quietly take their seat after a quick greeting to the stand in alpha.
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



6 Years
08-12-2015, 12:43 PM

Leaving Abaven had probably been one of the most terrible decisions Vail had ever made in the entirety of her life. She never wanted to go out again, and she barely wanted to leave the den when her father had coaxed her out. He was even bigger than momma though, and she knew that he would protect her from every horror that might be encountered. So she'd follow him, and he'd talk to her softly. He'd encourage her, but also warn her. While he too wished Motif's vision that their child wouldn't grow up constantly aware of her disability she'd slowly learn that the world was not nice. Anything and everyone would try and take advantage of her loss.

She'd have to be smart, and study hard and promise to obey mommy and daddy's every order. They knew how to keep her safe and she had to trust them. She'd accept the conditions of life her father brought forward, and despite how deep a conversation he was having with a young pup Vail understood what he was saying. Eventually though, they'd be cut short as a meeting was called. The last time she'd crashed a gathering was at the fight training and daddy had been so worried that he'd had to carry her back off. Apparently she would be allowed in this one, and eagerly she'd follow after her impossibly tall father. Wagging her tail the bounce to her step would quickly return.

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



7 Years

08-12-2015, 09:33 PM
*Set just after his meeting with Motif, Vail got picked up by Shai during their meeting, got permission to PP this.*

He had heard everything from Motif.

Bass had only been with his sister for a little bit -- to short -- before Allen called the meeting. Ah, good thinking. He was going to do it but it would seem that his partner got to it first. To say that he was not pleased was an understatement. Here Allen was, trying to do his best to lead his pack in his absence and it falls apart like this? The male growled as he stalked towards the meeting place, hackles raised along his back slightly. He didn't care if this was how he greeted his pack, he was not happy. At all. Fuming was perhaps a better word to describe how the male felt right now. As he neared the meeting he saw that only a few had gathered, hardly a pawfull sat before Allen. Teeth flashed slightly, all before his sunshine gaze fell on a very familiar red and black form. He paused, paw still raised in mid step as he squinted at the female. Was that... Mira? Shaking his head, he blinked several times before he was able to see the differences. Goodness, she looked a lot like her mother. This must be Lillianna, the yearling that Motif had told had joined him. Smiling softly at the girl he dipped his head in a greeting, before doing the same to the few who had actually bothered to show up. His greeting was a tad bit curt, his frustration at the situation quite clear. "Thank you to those who showed up to Allen's meeting hastily. I am sorry for my ruffled feathers but... it is not the best news to come home to." Gaze landed on Allen, figuring that this man called this meeting for this very reason. The older brute would have had no idea how close Bass really was to getting home. Huffing he walked beside the man, nuzzling his shoulder softly. "Sorry, perhaps this is not the best way to return home. You will address them first, this is still your meeting. I will talk after." He said softly, words for Allen's ears only. And then with that, he tipped up his head and added his urgent call to Allen's passed one. If the rest of the pack did not hurry to get their butts in gear, there wa going to be a major ass whooping...




4 Years
08-13-2015, 04:27 AM

For this particular meeting, he wouldn't be one of the first to arrive as usual, though it was better than receiving a dreadful punishment of showing up late or not at all. At every gathering there were more and more new faces around him, regardless of the effort he put into acquainting the formerly new members. However, despite many being strangers though hopefully soon familiar individuals with a bit of conversing, he still acknowledged their presence with a generic dip of his head, trying to make a polite impression of himself. Awkwardly alone, he remained a tad disappointed that his friends hadn't yet arrived, convincing him that perhaps he needed more than two close companions. At least he wouldn't have to worry about receiving a scolding from the Azat over his lack of training, since he was well on his way to becoming a warrior, just as planned.

A familiar voice startled the seated yearling, who had dozed off in his thoughts in the hopes that it would speed up his wait for the meeting to commence. His chestnut head flew around whilst his electric gaze scanned the small crowd for the source of the vocals; and there he was - Bass. The youth's features lit with delight, eyes widening as he examined the pallid form over and over again. It truly was him! The former Azat, at one point his role-model and idol, had returned! Swallowed with glee, all the alabaster leader's words travelled through one ash-tipped ear and out the other, though it simply didn't matter to him. It would still make one interesting Abaven meeting.

"Can you hear me?"



7 Years
Extra large

08-13-2015, 09:25 AM
Attending this meeting was not something that Lark had particularly been looking forward to. While he was serious by nature, most of the time, he had been far more agitated than was normal as of late. The absence of his parents, and of some of his siblings, had left him feeling quite frustrated. Frustrated enough, actually, that he hadn't even cared to participate in his fight training. In his opinion, it had lacked the structure he had expected - and always had received - in his father's training sessions. Not only that, but one of Abaven's own had been stupid enough to go stir up trouble in Imperium and get herself hurt, something she was certain wouldn't have happened under his dad's watchful eye. Not after he'd tried to fight for Rhythm and gotten hurt so badly. Though he knew little of politics, he was certain the best bet was to avoid that pack entirely, certainly not to run off and piss the wolves there off. He could only imagine how Bass would have reacted if it'd been him that had been so stupid.

At Allen's call, he fought the strong urge to roll his eyes. What could possibly be accomplished at a meeting? At the very least, it was a chance to see how his siblings - the few that remained here - were doing. Lark would not be opposed to that. Slowly, making little effort to be prompt, he would head to the meeting alongside the rest of the pack. Briefly he imagined skipping it entirely, finding Calypsei and asking her if she'd rather race across the rapids again, but he knew he had to do the right thing.

There was little expression on his boyish features as he approached the gathering. The girl with the maimed face was there already, as well as a woman with red face markings. He ignored them to find Shrike standing, looking a bit less chipper than usual. His pace quickened as he came to bump his nose into Shrike's shoulder in a quiet greeting. Perhaps they could talk later, but he had nothing to say right now.

It seemed that only a few moments passed before he saw a familiar flash of pale fur from the corner of his eye. Slowly he would turn to him, a grin breaking out on his features; an expression that was normally forced, but this time it was as genuine as anything. And yet his mom's absence did not go unnoticed, and the expression slowly faded. "Dad?" he asked quickly as he took a few steps to him. Quite frankly, he didn't give a damn about what Allen had to say in comparison to this. "Where's mom? Why isn't she here?" There was a faint hint of panic in his voice, though he tried to keep it as level as he could. It wasn't like her to miss a meeting, let alone to miss the chance to reunite with her kids as soon as possible.. surely if she wasn't here yet, she would be soon, right?


08-13-2015, 01:35 PM

While Bass had parted ways to meet up with Motif, Wren took Finch and Sparrow back to their old den, which turned out to be a mess. Weeds and vines grew around it, and at the entrance, a massive web stretched from one end to the other. It glistened brightly due to the large sun that hung overhead like a bad mood. Wren frowned weakly. She was too exhausted to feel anything. Usually, she would be aggressively yanking the weeds off, and tearing at the spider web like it was a wall separating her from Bass. But right now, her legs were weak, she was a mess, and she was tired. The long trip home wasn't anything pleasurable. Ah, but it sure felt good to be home, in the comforting walls of Abaven. Plus, she would soon be reunited with her three boys. How she missed them all...she was sure Finch and Sparrow missed them, as well.

The pale woman sighed and pushed through the transparent web that stretched in front of the entrance, collapsing into the soft dirt and letting out a long, satisfied groan. She could sleep like this for a whole month...snuggled in with her two girls. But the howl of a familiar man brought her to her paws almost immediately. She was sure Bass or Allen would gladly excuse her from this meeting, due to her being so exhausted. But she wanted to see the rest of her puppies. Wren stepped over Finch and Sparrow, kissing them gently as she passed. "Stay here and rest." She whispered, smiling easily and making her way out. It was only a slow, uneven trot that got her to the meeting before it began.

But she got there. And once she did, she forced herself to run right at Shrike, collapsing into his much larger form and wrapping her paws around him, like he was still her tiny, wailing puppy. She pressed her face into his fur and felt tears drip down her face. "Shrike, my overgrown baby," She said with a muffled voice, squeezing him tightly. "I've missed you so much..." Despite many wolves surrounding her and Shrike, she continued to smother him in motherly love, soaking his neck as she continued to sob quietly.



7 Years
Extra large
08-13-2015, 01:40 PM

Quelt needed to do something about Limno. Mainly he needed to speak with one of the healers about her sickness which is why she hadn't been to any of the major event. He had tried his best to help Allen keep the wolves of Abaven active, called fight training which didn't end up with a huge turn out. In fact the spars had never been started. It seemed like the large male had come a little late, Bass was back making him blink as he came to join the group of wolves.

"I apologize if I was a bit late, my wife is sick." he would say as he took a seat. Eyes moving across everyone, Bass didn't seem to be in a good mood at all either. Quelt smiled at Allen dipping his head in greeting to him. He certainly hoped he hadn't disappointed anyone in the fight training. Perhaps he shouldn't have called it at all.


Motif I


4 Years
08-14-2015, 03:02 PM
Motif bounced along behind Bass, her heart soaring with the return of her brother. She felt indestructible, strong and full like she had not for a long time. She almost laughed, at the feeling like she could take on the world. What was it about her brother that always inspired that in her? It was for him that she had found a passion in sparring, at first to protect him and then when she realized he was more then capable of protecting himself, it was to make him proud of her. She knew he was upset about how quite the pack had been, and knew she had done little to help. She had found serenity and contentment in her life. She curled up with Vail at night, and watched over her baby in the daylight hours. She spent long walks with Shai, and watched her oldest as she discovered much of the world. It was a quite time for Motif, but one that made her hum with happiness – a happiness now complete with her brother returned to her life.

She made her way into the meeting behind Bass, her eyes lighting up with joy at the sight of his mate, Wren, and after a kiss to Bass's cheek she made her way over to Shai and Vail, setting herself beside her small family as she looked up at Bass as he spoke.




2 Years
08-14-2015, 05:30 PM
The small pup hadn’t done much since she joined the pack, the wolf who had been assigned to take care of her hadn’t been around much and that was alright but she wasn’t finding as many rodents as she would have liked to. She had also been avoiding most other wolves, normally she was ok with just walking up to people and saying hi but being in a place as strange as this she had tended to avoid them. She heard a howl but she couldn’t get much out of it, she saw other wolves going in the direction of the howl and decided she should go as well. She followed behind all of the other wolves to where they all seemed to be meeting. Elthia would spy another pup amidst the crowd she was all white and Elthia thought she looked pretty. She would slowly make her way through the wolves to sit beside the other pup, she would smile at them and say a quick “Hi.”



2 Years
Extra large
08-14-2015, 07:51 PM

Calypsei had been so focused on working with her fight training, practicing her moves that she had almost missed Allen’s call. She was panting slightly to let out the sweat she couldn’t actively sweat out given wolf biology. Her eyes were their calm selves as she arrived, confusion lacing her looks as she went between Tinaro, Lark, Bass, Wren, and the others at the meeting, holding her gazes longest on Bass and Allen. Allen called the meeting, but Bass was back, so shouldn’t he have called the meeting? Also, why was Bass so visibly pissed? So many questions flooded her mind as she took a seat next to Tinaro, noting the tension that filled the air as she kept her eyes locked on Lark. She was concerned for her friend, who looked slightly worried for some unknown reason. She didn't say a word though, keeping a respectful silence. She was, of course, happy that Bass and Wren were back, but still had no idea what was going on. Curse her and her habit to train in the more secluded parts of the territory.


Avatar Credit goes to euphoriclies on dA/Sarah on RoW

Sparrow I


7 Years
08-17-2015, 09:32 PM

She was back and, oh, how she had missed this place. She had loved her travels with her family dearly, but, yes, this was her home! Sparrow's fluffy form bounced through the lands here, breathing in the scent of her pack like one did a lover that had perhaps been gone for too long or too often. Eagerly, Sparrow followed after her father and her Aunt, trying no to interrupt. She came into the meeting, her fur bouncing with each step and matching her bubbly mood. She smiled at everyone, but she smiled the widest at her family. Her fluffy tail wagging behind her. She didn't want to ruin the reunions between everyone else, this was a meeting anyway, so she sat in close proximity to her father and listened. He didn't sound to happy, which made Sparrow's ears drift momentarily to the sides of her round face. It was a brief motion before they spring back up and swiveled around, listening to all the conversations and buzz of her pack. She had missed this! She absolutely could not wait to talk to everyone, but, for now, there was a meeting to attend as a member of her dearly beloved home.


08-19-2015, 12:12 PM

Lillie would be the first to arrive, and what a state she was in. Allen would blink with surprise. What... What had happened to the girl!? Allen would settle himself, for surely Motif knew what had happened. Perhaps the woman could shed some light on Lillie’s current state. For now, however, he would hesitate to say anything to Lillie, though his eyes burned with anger of the unknown.

Zell would be the next to arrive, earning a nod from the man. “Frazzled doesn’t even begin to cover it, Zell.” Shrike, Shai and Vail would arrive after him, earning a respectful nod and a smile from the alpha. But then, oh then Bass came. The calico man would heave a soft sigh.

“I know Bass. I’m not pleased with it either...” It was all he would say for now to the other, looking out as the rest of the wolves continued to trickle in. Tinaro and Lark would come in after the pale man. He would tip his head to both, feeling glad that Tinaro had been one of the ones to take initiative in training.

Wren would arrive next, smothering Shrike in kisses, and then Quelt, apologizing for Limno who was ill. “She will be excused.” Allen would say softly to his friend.

The last set to arrive were Motif, Elthia, Calypsei, and Sparrow. He would give a nod to each before he took a breath, preparing to address the pack.

”Wolves of Abaven, I’ve called you all here to address a serious issue. We have grown lax since Bass has been gone, and while I’m partially at fault the rest of you are as well. The last training held was a complete and utter flop... And only a few of the yearlings have sought me out to request any sort of training.” Allen would flick his ears back some.

“We need to see more initiative taken in this pack! More wolves stepping up to do what they must. Those who have stepped forth have already been promoted to their training ranks, while the rest of you need to seriously think on what you want to become so that you may be assigned mentors.”

Allen would take a breathe before speaking again. “I would like to thank those of you who have been trying to make an effort. I know some of you had other things to tend to, such as new families or ill loved ones, but I ask that from here on out we all make a better step to strive towards our future.” Allen would glance at Bass. This was far from his forte... And he was ready to give Bass the floor.

“Bass, if you’re ready...” Allen would say, giving a nod saying that for now he was finished. It was time the pale man held the reigns once more.

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah



7 Years

08-19-2015, 01:31 PM (This post was last modified: 08-19-2015, 01:53 PM by Evelyn.)

Lark was the first wolf to come up to him, and Bass smiled softly and tipped down to nuzzle him. He was about to welcome him when he asked about his mother, panic in his voice. The man blinked back his surprise, before licking the top of his head. "She is just tucking the girls in Lark, its okay. She should be here any moment, I promise. And Lark?" he asked, leaning back slightly to get a good look at his boy, who was now taller than him. Pride shone in his eyes at his huge child, coming forward again to push his nose to his cheek. "It is good to see you again, my son. I missed you." He breathed. He turned to greet Shrike as well, just before Wren came in and tackled the boy, crying into his scruff. He chuckled slightly, nosing Lark around to point out his very emotional mother. It was a long trip back, and he had expected her to stay in the den with the girls. But here she was, clinging to one of their boys and weeping into his scruff. Ears flickered as Allen turned towards him and spoke, and he turned around to the older man and offered a tight smile. "We can talk after the meeting, just with each other." Before long the others arrived, and Bass took note of a few new faces, as well as wolves who didn't show up. Quelt said that his wife was sick, and he blinked at his friend. Wife? Well this was new...

He didn't have long to think on it as Allen addressed the pack, leaving Bass silent at his side while he spoke. He knew who showed up for training more than he did, and would know more than even Motif. Nodding along with his words, it wasn't long before Allen passed the meeting to him. Nodding his head curtly at the other, he took in a deep breath and sat silent for a moment. There was a lot that he needed to say, and wanted to make sure that his message was clear. "Abaven is nothing like I had hoped for. While we are close like family, the whole idea of my pack is not yet showing. We are all at fault for that, myself included. But I cannot lead you all to water and force you to drink, this is only for the willing. While there is some reason why some of you could not make the meeting, I expect my message to be passed on. No longer will Abaven carry around dead weights. If you do not want to work for this pack and see it to what it should be, then I would leave now. Rules are going to be expected to be followed without hesitation, and there will be punishment for those who do not follow them." He paused, sharp yellow eyes looking at those who bothered to come to the meeting at all. "I am going to put a new system in place with our fighters and healers as far as training. I will assign two fighters to each other, and they will be partnered with each other for a block of time. Each pair of fighters will have a healer assigned to them who is to be expected to heal the fighters wounds." He paused, not quite sure how long he was going to pair them up for. Perhaps a month or so? "I will call a meeting of the fighters and healers when it is time to switch partners, where the groups will be reassigned. You are expected to train with each other often, it doesn't always have to be practice fights but can also be going over defenses and such. But if there is no training at all, you will get one warning before you are docked in rank and forced to fight with the younger ones. Don't fail me, because at this point I am more than frustrated." Bass had to pause, closing his eyes a moment and taking a few deep breaths to get his anger in wraps. "Abaven is supposed to be a pack of mercenaries, of wolves for hire to help other packs. Only once have we been used for our true purpose. And I have had enough with sitting in the shadows." This all felt like deja-vu, he could have sworn that he had had a meeting like this before.

Clearing his throat, he back tracked a little bit. "Even if you hold a different rank and wish to train with the fighting pairs, please speak up and I will add you to the rotations. As for Pera's, I will leave their training up to Allen to organize, but if you wish to fight train as well you must handle both training sessions. I am going to be more strict about all of this than I have, because obviously things need to change." He growled slightly. Bass was never a hard ass like this, but times changed. He felt like it was all he could do to keep his pack together. This was not okay, and he would set things straight. "For fighters I have Motif, Quelt, Lark, Zell, Calypsei, Wren, and I think that Tinaro has asked to train in fighting as well," he said, eyeing the boy to see if he was right. Seven fighters, so Bass would have to include himself in the rotation That was, if enough didn't step up. "Anyone who would like to join please tell me now." He paused, waiting for anyone to speak up, before moving on. "For healers, I have Shaye, Nona, Starling when he returns from his trip, and Shai and Shrike if we include the Paluni in the list." Five. Uneven. Shaye was still young though, so was Starling. Maybe they could work together, each taking one wolf. Finally stopping, letting out a huff, before looking at Allen first, and then the rest of the pack. "Any questions?"




7 Years
Extra large
08-19-2015, 01:57 PM

It was true that the last fight training that Quelt had called hadn't turned out well aside from Tinaro and Calypsei. He would have to give the youngsters props especially Calypsei stepping out for her to spar with him rather than the others. Assigned, well that was an interesting thought. It brought a smile out on his lips as his tail flicked back and forth. Then something crossed his mind when Bass asked if there were any questions. "A bit off topic but I'd like to challenge for the Kashkar rank. I am partly to blame for the laziness because of the last training spell, though I do say Calypsei did exceptionally in that training. I do believe that I can offer my strength within this rank and I want to help out where I can." he stood up a bit to look between Allen and Bass. Limno could probably be assigned even if she wasn't a fighter, he would have to ask her.

"Also if we don't have enough even numbers, I can ask Limno to participate." the worst she could say was no and he doubted she would. She had been feeling down but he had a feeling it was due to emotional stress over all things aside. The scarred male's bi colored orbs looked over the crowd for a moment. To make this pack great he wanted to do something more.




2 Years
Extra large
08-19-2015, 02:10 PM

Calypsei held her comfortable silence as she attempted to figure out what was going on with the meeting and why the Azat looked so angry with the pack. Had she or Lark or Tinaro done something wrong or was someone else to fault? The girl hadn’t done much socialization, which was fine with her because she was an introvert who cared more about her training then making friends. She already had two amazing friends to hang out with, and they were going to be the warriors three as she had affectionately called them since her conversation with Tinaro, though she had yet to bring the subject to Lark.

She kept herself calm, a lack of emotions or empathy in her eyes as the now returned leader started to speak, addressing them as a whole. It made sense, because in Bass’ absence, the pack had shifted and quaked, though it had not fallen apart completely. She listened intently, not intending to be a dead weight and intended not to carry one around either. There would be a new fight training system, and Calypsei was more than eager to get started with it because it did sound interesting enough. The Azat reminded them all that the pack was supposed to be a pack of mercenaries, a fact that Calypsei had not known. There was a slight shudder, only a hint of hesitation in her eyes as memories from her past rushed through her mind before she fought them away from her expressions.

Bass grouped her in with the fighters, allowing herself a nod only before Quelt stepped up, addressing Bass directly. He made mention of her, and how she had been ‘exceptional’. She allowed a small smile to light up her face at the mention she had not been expected. She had only stepped up because no one else had, and she wanted to continue on with the training. She pondered the questions part of Bass’ speech, wondering if hers would be a stupid question. It didn’t hurt to ask. “Are all fighters going to receive basic healing training in case we get into a tight spot out in the field?” Curiosity killed at her, making sure she understood Bass’ words to their fullest extent.


Avatar Credit goes to euphoriclies on dA/Sarah on RoW

Sparrow I


7 Years
08-19-2015, 10:05 PM (This post was last modified: 08-20-2015, 01:50 PM by Sparrow I.)

Little Sparrow would listen to the speeches. She felt a little guilty, but she also knew she had been off, away from the pack during this time. She knew and felt that this pack was her home, and she knew she would help in any way she could. Her father's words were harsh, but she understood them. She nodded quietly in her corner, her heart pounding a little faster in normal. He would list healers and fighters and mostly conclude the meeting. Her name wasn't listed. Quietly, Sparrow stepped towards her father, her voice determined, but soft, "Father, I would like to be a healer as well. I would love to be able to explore and learn about the other packs," her voice would become quieter, "and our other family members as well." Speaking up again, Sparrow looked around her pack, "I think it could be advantageous for our pack, though I am no where near ready yet to travel around as a diplomat of any sort." Sparrow ended her little spiel, looking at her father as if to ask him to talk to her more about all the jobs in a pack later. She was excited. She was still young, but she would be an adult soon. There was healing to learn and adventures to go on. She hoped with all her heart that she would be able to learn skills to help her pack- her family.