
Sunshine, Daisies, Butter Mellow



10 Years
Dragon Mod
08-20-2015, 04:26 AM (This post was last modified: 09-06-2015, 12:20 AM by Ashelia.)

She had decided to leave her little cave on the side of the Eastern mountain to go and do a bit of exploring. She had been growing quite lonely as of late, but not talking to anyone for a season did that. Small and lithe body weaved around the rocks, her steps careful so she wouldn't fall or tumble down the rocks. This place was sort of fascinating, but it meant nothing when she had no friends, no share it with. She was beginning to feel like she didn't have a purpose anymore, at first she thought maybe she could make others smile...but it wasn't enough to fill the void that had begun to settle in her heart. Even though she had met a rather...interesting woman who claimed to be of a nasty temper, she was rather nice when Ashe had helped heal her broken leg. At least, she hoped her efforts had helped the woman's leg heal. She wanted to do something more for others, something where she would feel...needed. Wanted. Useful to society. She hadn't thought about joining a pack, the ache for her birth pack Valhalla still remained, though she doubted they would ever rise again.

The petite girl had finally chosen to sit in a shady spot as the summer heat bore down upon the land, the humidity making things worse, but she sat with her back to the cool shadowed side of a large boulder. Dual toned eyes scanned the terrain as she panted, and in her sights would fall a lonely flower just a few feet from her. Standing once more, she walked over to it as she gently sniffed at it. The scent smelled quite pleasant, and she wondered what it was. She had never seen such a flower before, and it stood alone. However, it's contrast against the bleak landscape. The flower was bright yellow, and big. It was taller than her by a few inches, large petals tickling her nose. She decided she would settle here for the moment, next to the pretty flower. "I'll keep you company's lonely being alone, isn't it?" She sighed as she wondered what this flower was called. Maybe the name was just as pretty as it looked. (Citron Daylily/Hemerocallis citrina)

"Listen to me talk" 'and know my thoughts.'



5 Years
08-20-2015, 06:06 AM
Starling was rather reluctant to turn back towards Sonticus after his short visit back home. It was nice to know that his father was well, and the rest of his siblings too. Even Finch seemed to be blossoming, though rather slowly, and sparrow seemed to be showing up more and more. It helped invigor his desire to return to his studies, to advance his healer knowledge. But that didn't mean he wanted to leave as much as he had the first time, or as little, rather. His blood belonged to Abaven, his heart, his soul and his loyalty. His everything was at the hands of his father, and to know that he were to spend another season, ontop of the one he had spent already, away from his was hard. Difficult. Painful.

He sighed heavily as he trotted along, his eyes on the ground and his maw full of herbs he had stopped to collect along the way. He thought of Lillianna, and how if he had stayed home he would have been able to watch over her healing rather than trust her to listen to his advice. He was taking it slower than he had coming home, a leisure pace that would depend on either overnight walking, or for him to bed down somewhere that enough. But he'd come to that when the sun began to set. Instead, now he continued to walk.

A voice caught his attention, a single ear swivelling in the direction it came from. With a tilt of his head he'd shift, stepping towards the sound. It was a gentle sound, and for a brief moment he thought it was addressing him. But when sky blue eyes landed on the girl, her attention on a flower as tall as she, he knew it wasn't him. Embarrasment flushed his cheeks beneath liver colored fur as he gently placed his bundle at his feet. "Ho passato la mia vita a parlare con i fiori e mai sentito una parola . Se quello risponde a voi , sarĂ² piuttosto offeso." He sad in the language he felt intelligent in, a gentle smile on his lips as he looked from the girl to the flower. He tilted his head slightly then, taking in the plant and what it was. It was just a common flower, he knew, it didn't have any healing properties.

"Burn Baby Burn"



10 Years
Dragon Mod
09-08-2015, 01:25 AM

She reached out to sniff the flower, nose twitching as she drew closer. That was when a soft voice touched her ears, causing her to start in surprise. A little too quickly, her nose brushed the flower which in turn, dropped pollen in her nose which in turn, would give her a fit of sneezing. Before she knew it, she had sneezed once, twice, three times. Each in rapid succession, and when she was done her face had the most confused and embarrassed look. Ears splayed to the sides, crossed eyes stared ahead of her before she shook herself to rid the rest of the pollen from her nostrils. "Was that some kind of spell to make me sneeze??" Were wolves capable of casting spells like that? A light bulb popped up in her head, if it was a spell she wanted to know it!

She focused on the boy, clearly he was much taller then her though his coloring was similar. Standing to her full measly height of twenty three inches, she gazed up at him as her tail wagged. Excitement showed in her eyes along with the friendliness and innocence of a bunny. "What did you say? Can you teach me that? If sounded really pretty! My ears liked it!" She giggled, taking a step closer to him. "My name is Ashelia Adravendi! But you can call me Ashe! What's your name?"

"Listen to me talk" 'and know my thoughts.'



5 Years
09-26-2015, 12:11 PM
He blinked in shock and surprise as she suffered from a fit of sneezes, and for a moment he wondered if she was allergic to pollen. It made sense, sometimes he'd find himself in a flurry of sneezes when he got too much on or around his nose. It was like the flowers were defending themselves, in his mind at least. Shaking his head, he paused where he stood, shifting awkwardly. "I-it's Italian.." He said softly, looking down at the ground then. He could cast spells, and if he could he certainly wouldn't waste it on a sneezing spell. If it could be wasted at least. So instead he looked up at her and offered a small smile as she introduced herself. He wasn't so good around strangers, but he'd have to get better. If he was to be a healer, he would have to interact with more wolves. But he was getting better, way better than he had been as a kid, and that was saying something. "I-i said th-that I'll be offended i-if that fl-flower t-talks too you, b-because I've b-been talking to th-them all my life." He said with a gentle laugh, a joke. But he shook his head then. No, though he was teaching Lillianna... "I-it's my f-family's s-secret language...I can't." He said softly then, smiling sheepishly as he shifted again. "M-my name is Starling Destruction...It's nice t-to meet you A-Ashe" He said softly, pawing gently at his bundle of hers.

"Burn Baby Burn"



10 Years
Dragon Mod
09-28-2015, 01:40 AM

Italian? Was that a type of spell? Nah, a language. She had to remember that there were all sorts of languages she didn't know, and this Italian would be one among many. "Your Italian sounded really pretty." She would smile at him, tail wagging as she listened to his explanation at what he said. Giggling afterwards, she glanced at the flower. "It's my first time trying to talk to one, maybe they're just shy. They just need some time...that's what I think anyway." She smiled at him, genuine and gentle. She was quite the calm one when it came to working on patients. But every other time? Her mind was more child like and innocent.

As soon as he started to shake his head, her brows furrowed a bit as he explained he couldn't teach her his Italian. That it was his families secret. Her entire demeanor changed then as her tail stopped wagging, and she took on a very crestfallen and disappointed look. Maybe he didn't like her enough? Or maybe they didn't want anyone else to know it so they could talk in code or something? She didn't know. "Aawwww... When he introduced himself, however, she perked up a little.

"You mean like the cute little bird? Maybe your mommy and daddy named you that because you're cute too!" She beamed at him, rail wagging once more as she giggled a bit. She noticed then, the bundle at his feet, and instantly curiosity would draw forth. Or maybe she was just nosy, there was never really a difference with her. "Watcha got there?"

"Listen to me talk" 'and know my thoughts.'