
all I need is to change [aw]



2 Years
08-15-2015, 04:21 PM (This post was last modified: 08-22-2015, 05:42 PM by Arivae.)

The days seemed to be getting shorter, and the nights longer. Spring was definitely nearing an end. Even she could tell. Everything that had begun to grow during spring was already finished developing, including the many flowers and trees that grew around Fiori. But she wasn't too excited about the changes. Which, was pretty strange considering she loved all living things, including plants of all types. But the reason in which she was growing iffy was valid.

Summer was her birth season. In other words, for the entire season she'd be smelling funny, and she'd have weird thoughts. Her father had explained it to her before leaving Alacritia. At a time in her life, specifically in the summer, she'd go through something called "heat." She'd be vulnerable to any sketchy males, while the smell that she was burdened with during the time was usually strong and amazingly alluring. Plus, she got strange thoughts and needs. Her father hadn't explained in detail, but she vowed to stay inside Fiori the whole time. No going outside, just to be vulnerable.

For the last few days, she decided to head toward one of the prettiest places she's ever been to. Firefly Lake. A place that was usually only beautiful when you traveled there during the night. And she had. Before long she was standing at the edge of the lake, bright blue eyes shining as the small lightning bugs surrounded her. The young girl grinned and jumped to her paws. For several minutes she was bounding through the tall grass that surrounded the lake, enjoying the evening with the fireflies all to herself.

"Talk" "You" Think



4 Years
08-25-2015, 08:39 PM

Rudy felt like his lower jaw was going to fall off as he carted his goods folded up in a deer skin hanging from his jaws.  His bounty included other cleaned animal skins, dried herbs, assorted rocks, feathers and all manner of bizzare things he'd picked up on his travels.  Items for trade.  Usually in return for food, shelter or more interesting objects.  Normally his load wasn't that heavy but his cat partner in business, Almandine, and decided that she was going to sleep on top of their bounty…. and not move.

So here he was carry around her extra weight on top of everything and his neck was killing him!  Almandine purred and glanced up at him with her wide, mysterious amythyst eyes. "You know you'd get a lot more business if you'd just go to a pack already.  Why are you running around the loner lands." Rudy rolled his eyes, unable to reply because OBVIOUSLY HIS MOUTH WAS FULL.  Ass cat.  Truth was he was a bit nervous to go to the packs in Alacritis.  He'd heard rumors but there was also the potential for new trade partners.  It was a difficult choice and he just needed some time to get used to the area.  

Arriving at a lake glowing with fireflies Rudy finally set down his burden.  Stretching his jaws he watched as Alma got to her feet, stretching elegantly before padding to the water to drink… and then complaining. "Ick… there are an awful lot of bugs here Rudy, are you sure about this?" The wolf nodded as he bent to get his own drink. "Come on Alma, lighten up!  It's beautiful here." Ahhh…. satisfied Rudy flopped on his belly to gaze up at the star-studded sky stretching out above him.

Flop!  Almandine curled up on top of his belly, paws tucking neatly under her body.  Whelp… looks like he'd be sleeping on his back tonight.  

"Almandine Speech"