
...Am I To Believe You Were All At A Picnic? {ABAVEN}


08-21-2015, 05:03 PM

Shrike immediately brightened the moment his mother came onto the scene. Father and mother both were here, and the boy’s tail began to wag furiously. As he was smothered by love, the boy would curl around his mother much like he did when he was a babe, for it was true -- he was just an overgrown child. One that had sorely missed his parents. He would return Wren’s affections back, wagging his tail happily back and forth with a happy whine. ”You’re home! You’re hoooome~”

Allen would address the pack, not to thrilled with them. Shrike knew he was at fault for not being at all the proper training and such himself, and felt guilty. Even his father was mad. His tail would stop wagging, ears lowering some. He would have to step up his game, to get back into the swing of things. Looking back to Wren when they were finished he would whisper.

“I missed you.”


Table by:: Eldarwen



7 Years

08-22-2015, 09:46 PM (This post was last modified: 09-09-2015, 11:17 PM by Bass.)

When he asked for others to step forward, no one did. Only Quelt offered Limno to step up when she was better, and he gave the mad a curt nod. His ears flickered at the sounds of the man wishing to challenge him once more for a higher rank, golden eyes falling on the blue man. "Last time you failed to beat me, do you think you can do better this time?" He tumbled, teasing notes strong in his voice. He remembered the time well, and couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle. "We can do it later, I have yet to rest after getting home and need some sleep. Call me when you are ready." And with that he moved on, Sparrow coming up and speaking to him. Sneaky girl, she was supposed to be at the den with her sister Finch! Bending down to lick the top of her head, he appraised her slightly. "We have no room for diplomatic rankings in our pack, Sparrow. Besides are pack isn't the type to really do that kind of stuff. I love that you have a passion dear, but try to set your heart on something that I have to offer you, okay? Perhaps later we can come back and talk about it again, once I have more time to think it over. But just to let you know, I don't think that Abaven is a pack for that sort of ranking." Bass explained softly, hoping that he wouldn't offend the bubbly girl.

Looking to the pack once more, since no one had yet to speak up, he sighed softly. "Pairings will change every month, and I will announce the pair change ups every first of the month. You must train with your partner at least twice before the month is up, or you will be docked a rank. Now, the pairs are as follows. Tinaro and Calysei, and Shaye will be your healer. Lark and Zell, and Nona will be your healer. Wren and Quelt, Sparrow will be your healer. And finally Motif and myself, with Shai as our healer." Bass turned and looked at Shrike, who he knew wished to be a field medic as well. "Shai and Shrike, since you both wish to hold the rank of a field medic and must learn fighting, you will also be partnered together as spar partners, with Allen watching over the lesson as well as seeing to your wounds after." He turned to look at his partner, seeing if that would be okay. He then turned his head back to Quelt. "If Limno wants to fight, she can approach Allen about it, who would be her partner for this week. Allen," he said, once again turning his head to eye the man. "is this okay? Will you have enough time to set up a Pera training as well?"

ooc ;// SO! Partners will change every two to three OOC weeks, and I will post the thread as close as I can to the two week mark to annouce the new pairs. Every fighting pair MUST reply to this thread with OOC links to their two passed training threads. They don't have to be a spar, but can be one spar and one thread going over defenses, one spar and going over basic attacks. I know that it would be hard to do two spars in two weeks, so I am okay with just one spar/one something else. Even racing or doing something else physical is okay. Each spar should be at least 2 rounds, but they do not HAVE to be judged if you don't want. If you don't want them judged, tell me and I can have Bass come in and announce the winner, based on a quick look over the posts. Sorry to be harsh on this, but I really do wanna see abaven become strong again. And if I missed anyone, please let me know! Next partners will be announced around September 5th. If you have a scarcity up because of classes, I am fine with you just doing one spar every two weeks, just link your scarcity when you link your posts.

Edit : Adding extra time since school started. Threads must be AT LEAST started by September 17th.



08-26-2015, 08:47 AM

Almost no one stepped forward to claim the higher ranks. It was, in all honesty, a shame really, but what could be done? It wasn’t as though they could force others to take the initiative and step up. He would wince slightly though when Bass said there were no room for diplomatic positions in the pack. He hadn’t even gotten to speak with Bass about Lillie and the idea was already being shut down. Ah well... There was little, again, that could be done.

As Bass addressed him Allen would give a small nod. “Of course. I’m sure that this will be fine.” He’d glance around at the wovles gathered, noting their silence. “Wolves of Abaven, please try to do as Bass requests. I assure you that this is for the good of us all as a pack.”

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah