
Special Snowflake


08-28-2015, 08:08 PM

This place was new and wondrous, the river beside him gurgled with life as fish leaped from it's depths every once in a while. It seemed that even during the summer here, these lands came to life. He'd yet to see another of his kind, let alone the fact he wasn't sure if there were any of his kind here, but the scent trails of others led him to believe that there was. The large brute walked slowly across the banks of the river, steel blue eyes searching for signs of anything else beneath the depths, though he doubted that there were any strange mutated sharks lurking here like they did in the ocean. It was a silly thought really, but one never knew what wonders lurked in this world. He was, after all, a wolf splattered with rich and vibrant rainbow hues, who was to say there could be no such thing as river sharks?

As the heat of the sun beat down on him, he decided that he'd chance it. The male moved towards the water, his gargantuan body causing his paws to sink slightly into the mud as he approached but it bothered him none. He was glad that his paws were black, so it was harder to spot the dirt that accumulated there. As he leaned down to drink his fill, he would spot something on the opposite side of the bank. With narrowed eyes, he slowly raised his head to get a better look. And there he would see another wolf. He pondered for a moment if he should remain where he was, or leap the large boulders that offered a pathway. It was that, or swim across...but the thought of potential river sharks would keep him from going within the water, at least until he was sure they didn't exist. He was used to living by the sea, so rivers weren't exactly in his comfort zone. Instead, he decided to continue along the side of the bank at a slow pace, not wanting to be a bother to the other, but at the same time he wondered if the other was not chance it.

"Listen to me talk," 'and know my thoughts.'