
Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done



6 Years
Dragon Mod
08-29-2015, 04:34 AM

He'd been successful in his endeavors thus far. The spar training that the packs commander held was nothing more then a joke. Sin had left afterwards with laughter echoing throughout the field at their pathetic attempts. He somewhat hoped that Arian wouldn't be foolish enough to actually siege a larger and more experienced pack, he had seen firsthand what Valentine and Cascade themselves could do, though he didn't know about the rest of them. It was suicide really, and Sin would not partake in the massacre. He had his own shit to deal with, his own plans to complete. They would not be thwarted by some petty grudge. He'd spoken to his children, his wife...she was due any day now, so he'd linger close to her for the day to come. It would be his second litter now, the third to come soon after Arietta's. He was proud of her, she had bested him in a spar and had proven she was capable of more then just a carrier for his lineage. She had mothered three beautiful and magnificently strong children already, and he could be no prouder. Or perhaps he could...but time would tell.

The man was lying down in his cabin, gnawing on the femur bone of an elk he had hunted down this season. He'd taken a piece for himself, the rest left out on the deck for whomever wanted a piece of it. Though he was quite sure none of them would thank him, seeing as how they didn't like him. But he didn't do it for them, he pretty much did it to throw it in their faces. Focusing on his task, he would think about what to do next...

"Listen to my talk" 'and know my thoughts.'