
Stops along the way



6 Years
Extra large
08-29-2015, 02:04 PM

He was out of the pack lands before the crack of dawn, he had tossed and turned in his sleep until he  had finally decided to track down his young brother. He worried a great deal about Arcus, and it hurt like a knife in the heart to know he had chosen to live a life away from the family. He was the first and only Elementas to ever make this decision but he was essentially a troubled teen and Glacier hoped with all of his heart that he would come back to them. In the mean time, he needed to know for himself that Arcus was alright. There would be no begging of the boy to come home, that was entirely Arcus's decision, this was only to know that he was ok.

He moved through the Rio Grande, smiling as he caught the sight of a school of fish just beneath the surface. Had anyone told Locha of this place, and its fantastic fishing opportunities. He hesitated, pausing near the surface and licked his lips. He was hungry, and he could test out how good the fishing here was, how brave or lazy its fish. He would take but a moment and then could continue his search for young Arcus. He waited, bidding his time as the sun began to dawn above him in an expanse of deep orange that cast great shadows on the land around him. Luckily for him, his shadow was cast away from the water and his presence above it went undetected. He swiped after a moment, his claw digging into scales and the force of his movement threw it from the water and onto the land. He pounced before the still living creature could flop its way back to the waters. He killed it quickly, and moved to dig in.
