



5 Years
08-29-2015, 02:34 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

Entirely unaware that she was being watched, the golden brown hunter padded silently through the prairie, her nose skimming above the ground she tread in search of scents. A few that belonged to members of the pack were present above those of the prey animals that shared the territory with them, but for the most part they went ignored - they were not her quarry. Of her intended targets, she found their scents, numerous and recent, and smiled a little to herself. That was a good sign. Even if she could not yet see them, they were there, and Anais hoped that, so long as she kept up a vigilant, observant crawl, she would find them in no time at all.

With the scent of her prey located and her position in the prairie confirmed as the place she needed to be, the stealthy wolf let her hearing and sight take over. Each step she made as she crept through the grasses was done carefully and slowly, minimizing the noise that she made not only so that she could hear the noises around her but so that she might not be heard in the process. A lot of good it would do her to finally spot a quick meal only to tip it off that she was there.

Her caution paid off. As she prowled through the grasses, attention riveted on her surroundings, she finally heard the first telltale scratching somewhere to her right. Almost immediately she froze and shifted her bright eyes in that direction, straining to listen as something small moved about through the prairie. It hardly sounded big enough to be a hare so she had to assume it was something smaller, and after a few more slow and steady steps forward, creeping quietly forward, Anais could just make out the small but hardy form of the prairie dog busily working outside of its burrow. Perfect! The edges of her lips curved into a faint smile as she crouched just a little lower in her hunter's stance. She was going to have to be very quick about this if she was going to make it work, especially given how close the prairie dog was to its home. As quietly as she could, Anais crept a few steps closer, attempting to get as close as she could before she made any sudden movements.

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.