
Man to Man



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
08-30-2015, 11:30 AM

Valentine's eyebrows rose as Bass mentioned a tiny niece having been lead outside pack territory. The pink puppy Vail, he guessed, unless Rhythm had another sister she'd never mentioned before. Since the statement about the niece had been dropped in the same breath as Lillie's beating Valentine assumed that the two incidences were connected, which meant that it was likely that the woman who had intervened was Motif. Knowing who all had been involved didn't matter too much, but it did help him paint a picture of what had gone down and he was genuinely curious.

"No doubt there is going to be a race to see who can win next, as always seems to be the way of siblings." In response to this Valentine sighed in exasperation and shook his head slowly, a soft smile playing across his lips. "No doubt." Evangeline and Angelus were pretty competitive. While he doubted his son would set out with the singular goal of kicking someone's ass to prove he was just as good as, if not better than, his sister...Valentine didn't doubt for one second that this little incident hadn't set into motion a series of "one ups".

"It seems that we let a woman get between us, Valentine." Valentine chuckled too, but made no comment. It was an accurate statement, wasn't it? From the very beginning their affection for Rhythm had set them at odds. A simple wink directed at Rhythm from Valentine had been enough to give Bass a conniption, the King remembered fondly. It had been fun to needle to Bass then, to poke and prod until he got a reaction.

Bass' explanation jogged Valentine's memory. "Ah, that's right!" In his excitement the brute absentmindedly kneaded the soft dirt underfoot. He seated himself, his eyes momentarily going to the horizon as he thought. The timing for such an event was perfect. This year was rather mild so far, and even the midday heat of the summer was (for the most part) very tolerable. "I definitely think that's still worth doing." It was common practice for spar participants to start off facing one another, but Valentine knew from experience that real fights didn't always begin that way. He wanted his members to be equipped to handle unusual or disadvantageous starts. Yes, this idea still appealed to him. "If you are agreeable, such an event could be held in Imperium. At least, the first, anyway. Should we choose to repeat this exercise or try something else we can always alternate hosts."


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.