
Playing the Victim



04-10-2013, 12:07 PM

She chuckled at his words. ?Or I could call myself your personal bodyguard. Definitely sounds a lot more tough.? Yes, it did indeed. Why would any male want to be called a healer? assistant after being trained as a warrior from the very beginning, knowing nothing but how to defend themselves and those around them. Family, friends. Whatever he wanted to call himself he could, yeah a healer?s assistant would make more sense because he might be healing her out but a personal bodyguard sounded better, more tough. He would protect her if something were to happen, an animal try attacking her if she surprised them, a wolf just having a bad day and trying to take it out on her. Whatever it might be, she was excited for.

His words brought her back, ears perking up, telling her she was welcome to stay with him. She smiled, that was good, she wouldn?t have to head home in the night or find a different place to rest. It put her at ease, knowing she would be able to rest here with him, wouldn?t be alone and vulnerable to whatever found her and decided to kill or run her off. He continued on to tell her that she deserved some rest, she did enough for the both of them for today. Yeah, she had come out here after catching his scent, brought herbs to treat his wounds, found him a place to rest and hunted some squirrels for the both of them. Not only that but she brought the opportunity for him to join a pack that would have a 90% chance of accepting him into their pack.

Thank you Bronze. She brushedh her cheek against his neck, eyes closing for a moment, enjoying the moment. It felt nice, she wasn't sure how to explain it, just something in her body was telling her that she should be enjoying this. I hope you try Seracia out, it's not that bad. For now we should sleep, let your body rest up and let the herbs do its work. I will reapply fresh ones in the morning. She spoke softly, almost a whisper as she pulled away from him, pushing herself back, farther beneath the log and curled up into a ball. Her tail had curled around her back legs, head laying on her paws, watching Bronze to see if he would also move close to her. It wasn't till then that she realized how tired she was, body heavy, eyelids fighting to close on her before she had the chance to tell the male goodnight.
