
Let Me Show You My World


08-30-2015, 12:36 PM

Félicien would listen to the tale of woe that Tac had to tell. A pack, murdered by one who was once family, but then was family no longer. It was horrid to think about, really. The young man would wrinkle his nose in disgust. But now was not the time to judge, nor to make sharp, snapping remarks. Instead he would move close to Tac, wrapping his head around her gently. "Shh Tac... It will be alright." There was of course nothing he could do for the dead, those who were lost.

"I will do all I can to protect you, to stop this madman from hurting you or anyone in Threar or any who come with him. I am not the greatest fighter, but where I lack experience I have strong will." The young man would breathe in, moving back so he could try to look her in the eyes. "No matter what happens I will do my best to protect all of us. I'm going to keep getting stronger, by each passing day, alright? I'll make sure we're all safe... no matter what."

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Eldarwen