



4 Years
Extra large
08-30-2015, 12:53 PM
ooc:  Note to judges we have both agreed to extend the default time from 3 days to 1 week

Toothy grin spread from ear to ear as the foreign woman agreed to a violent spar.  Oh now this would be fun!  Karabela took a few steps back, seeking to leave a space of about eight feet between them from which they could form their own personal blood-stained arena.  Her defenses set in an instance, the humming vibrations in the air of promised violence lending speed, almost urgency to her motions.  She needed this.  Her skull and tail descended in alignment with her supple spine, her abdomen tensing as her chin tucked against the curvature of her neck.  Her strong shoulders rolled forward as her neck drew back pushing a protective covering of excess flesh and fat over her vitals.  Her sharp gaze narrowed as her ears lay tightly against her lowered crown.  Raba's weight would shift evenly among her grounded limbs that spread equidistant apart and bent slightly at the joints to lower her center of gravity.  Her toes splayed and claws bit into the earth for better traction.  Her hackles raised along the length of her spine as her ravenous jaws parted, blackened lips curling to unsheathe her fangs and bunch the skin of her face.

With her defenses locked down Karabela would launch herself forward, her lengthy limbs attempting to devour the distance lingering between herself and her opponent with deadly grace.  Raba would attempt to approach her opponent head-on before her body would shift slightly to her own left as she attempted to come at Rælynn from a forty-five degree angle, facing in towards the woman's right shoulder.  Karabela sought to come in lower and lance the lower front of her left shoulder blade into the outer muscular portion of Rælynn's right shoulder, right into the deltoid, hoping the combination of her forward momentum and superior size and weight would cause the muscle to temporarily seize up in addition severe bruising.

Simultaneously, the wraiths unsheathed daggers would seek to mar  the right side of her opponents visage.  Her upper fangs seeking to pierce through Ræ's right eye while her lower fangs sought to hook under the corner of her opponents right-sided jaw.  She sought a solid grip from which she could control the other woman's head in addition to partially blinding her.

As she moved in for the shoulder throw her weight would shift evenly to her front right leg and back legs as her left forepaw would leave the ground the paw then immediately seek to dive down in the hopes of connecting with the toes of Rælynn's right forepw.  Again Karabela hoped her weight would lend her an advantage and that she might sprain the toes of her enemy beneath her paw.  The turmoil of her heart and the stirrings of this summer night increasing her need for bloodshed and she would get it one way or another.  At this point she didn't care who's blood it was though she did dearly wish to taste this opponent.

Karabela vs Rælynn for Spar
Rd. 1 of ?

[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king