
Moving out[PACK MEETING]



6 Years
Dragon Mod
08-30-2015, 03:52 PM (This post was last modified: 08-30-2015, 04:33 PM by Sin.)
Sin Hellstrom

The call was expected and had not gone unheard. Rising from Arietta's side, he placed a gentle kiss upon his sleepy mates forehead and made his way outside, stopping once to look back at her and his beautiful newborn children. Continuing on, he found Arian standing on deck with her sickly child, though which one it was he didn't know, nor did he really care. How was it that her child became sick? None of his had become ill, though there was always the chance throughout life. Perhaps that particular child of hers would be the weakest of the lot, often the ones who became sick early in life were the ones who weren't strong enough to survive later. But no matter, it was none of his business.

Striding over to stop before Arian, amber gaze bore into hers as he thought about his family and their life. Sonticus was not for them, and not only that, but he had his own future and the future of his family to think about. "Arian, my family and I will not be travelling with you. We've our own futures to think about, so I ask that we be released from Sonticus." Strange that permission was coming from him, but right now it mattered not to him. His min was on his new little ones, another litter coming any day now. He would not risk being lost from his children, not like he had with his first litter...he wanted to do right this time, so their safety was his priority. "Also...I want Amachi and Xephyris." The pair had shown promise when he'd met them, Xephyris especially had shown promising skill, and not only that but upon meeting the man before Sin came to Sonticus, the determined male had shown that he wanted more then what this pack had to offer. And Sin had promised him something new, somewhere he could excel and unleash his full for Amachi, she was something pretty to look at. Something to add to his collection...and she too, had shown excellent fighting skills during their training session. Surely the pair would be useful in the future.