
to set a watchman



6 Years
Dragon Mod
08-31-2015, 03:38 AM

He laughed a bit at her response, so she recognized him? He felt honored. The woman was one hard to forget, not that he wanted to, however, for she was always quite the amusing one. At least he knew that if he ever wanted to keep boredom at bay, she would be the go to gal. He nodded as she peered at him, "Who else would it be?" A rhetorical question of course. The beast sat down where he had stopped, no fear of Cascade jumping him nor attacking him. He respected her, liked her attitude and admired the ever present playful sarcasm she held. Whether she reciprocated the respect or not wasn't his concern at the moment. He eyed the male that stood idly by, though it seemed the strange guy was...glaring at him? How funny.

One ear followed Cascade's direction at her question, head turning to glance at her with a light smirk on his face. So she'd scented it? Not surprising...he'd been there only a couple of weeks, but it was coming to an end. "Don't worry, it was only temporary...Arian was paranoid about Yfir raiding them, so she sought my help and we were to strike a deal." He looked up at the sky for a second with irritation as he recalled the events. "But of course, her mind changed. So I am departing Sonticus for a greater purpose." He glanced back at her, a sly smile and a knowing twinkle in his eye. "You and Valentine did not go unnoticed, you should have seen how riled up the pack got about it. However, I found it highly amusing. Congratulations for getting beneath a paranoid wolf's skin." His throat rumbled with laughter when he heard the stranger speak again. Ah yes, how could he be so rude? He'd almost forgotten he was there.

Turning to face the stranger with a humored expression, he would respond. "Sonticus is not worth your time. If you didn't hear already, it's a small pack who have bees for brains and get offended and riled up over the slightest things. Their President is one of the most paranoid little girls I've ever met...frankly, I'm not quite sure what to think of them. Certainly not worth my time nor effort any longer." He stared at the male with a challenging gaze. If this stranger carried dislike for him, then Sin would not waver and appear like stone. Though should the male choose to insult, Sin would gladly remind the strangely marked male who the dominant one was.

"Listen to my talk" 'and know my thoughts.'