
Show me what you can do



8 Years
Extra large
08-31-2015, 07:04 AM
Shai's head would lower to align with his spine and tail as his ears fell back against his skull and his bright sunny gaze narrowed. He'd pull his lips back to show the sharp teeth of his parted jaws. as he rolled his shoulders forward and tucked his chin. Bending his knees and distributing his weight evenly over his four paws as he widened his stance and dug his claws into the earth. Hackles raised he'd watch as Shrike made his first move. The boy seemed to have a grasp of his defenses and seemed to know what was going on with his attacks.

All of a sudden the boy leaped at him, eyes fierce with determination and readiness. Shai was almost sorry for his own attempted leap. As Shrike jumped so did Shai, the tall male would hope to fully remove himself from the boy's path, shifting 3/4ths of his weight onto his back legs Shai would try to leap to his right. Lifting and extending his front legs as his powerful hind limbs propelled him. He'd aim to land his front paws parallel to Shrike's hips about 8 inches away. This movement would cause Shrike's paw stomp to miss along with his attempted jaw grab.

As Shai landed his weight would be redistributed once more along his four limbs. He'd wouldn't hesitate to take his turn to attack. Aiming to disrupt the boy's balance Shai sought to shove his broad left shoulder (the whole left side) into Shrike's left hip. He wanted to hit underneath the joint 1/4th of the way between pelvis and knee. At the same time he would swivel his head and neck to the left as his jaws took aim on the smaller wolf's spine. Were this a more serious match he would have sought to crush the bone there, but with the spar all he wished was to gain control of his opponents movement and maybe cause some mild lacerations. Widening his jaws the top aimed for the right side just above the hip while the lower jaw was on the left right above the hip.

Shai v Shrike for spar round 1/2
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