
Heaven's Gates [Meeting]



6 Years
Dragon Mod
08-31-2015, 05:57 PM (This post was last modified: 08-31-2015, 06:14 PM by Sin.)
OOC// This thread is to confirm those who have agreed to follow Sin to start his new pack. Any others who would like to join may do so as well. Please post by September 7th so we can get things going and so I can put up the application, thanks <3

Note He is NOT claiming SS Antiox

It was time. Sin moved towards the deck of the ship, the summer breeze was cool here in the North and it was time to start getting things going. Arietta was in their temporary den with their new children, and he'd given her the option to stay with them or come out and join him. His two new litters had just been born a few days prior, and he wanted to waste no more time. They needed a safe place to live and grow, the man not wanting them to grow up as loners like his first litter had, no. He would take them, his children and his wife along with all others who wished to join him. Namely, those who had shown desire and the promise to follow, to aid in building a great empire. He stared out across the waters that lied below, and from his vantage point he knew that those who pledged themselves to him would hear his call. He had informed the scattered souls of his future desire, and it was now time. Lifting his head, the alabaster demon sent out a loud call to arms. Calling them to gather before him, to see who still wanted to be a part of his grand plans, and those who did not show would be the ones who decided to back out. Whether he chose to mark them as deserters or not, well...time would tell. It was around noon time, the sun sat above him which would offer light to those who would heed his call.
