
It's a dangerous world we live in


04-10-2013, 02:44 PM
Quote:The young pup had slithered off almost as soon as everyone's breathing had steadied and hinted towards sleep. He paid particular attention to his mother for the simple reason that he could loose his siblings if needed. His mother wouldn't approve of him sneaking off every day during nap time after all. Most of the time it was to be alone, allowing the usually vocal and adventurous pup some time to himself to think. But sometimes he saw his father, often they would sit and share some small talk that often lead to Kylar teasing his son in a way that made Vixe laugh it off in the beginning but after having time to think about it often it hit him quite hard. So as they seemed to drift off the dark grey pup took his leave and slithered from the cave entrance. Today was an odd day, at only 6 months old he was a strange mix of mature and immature.

With his siblings and parents it seemed that he truly believed that the world revolved around him. But as he slid off and took time to think waves of insecurity and the need for solitude crashed over him like a tidal wave. The pup moved slowly, rather absent mindedly following a path he had walked many times before. He didn't have to focus on where his paws were going, they knew, so it gave him time to think about everything that was said and everything that was not here. Half of him wanted to bound back and tackle Maia while she was still sleeping; it seemed to be the only time he could get the upper hand with her after all. But still he walked.

He was small for his age, still at that awkward fluff ball stage where his marking were there but not well distinguished in his fur. He hoped that one day he would grow up big and strong like his dad, not all skinny and weak like his mom... The separation between his two parents had caused a bit of a rift for the young boy, often thinking badly of his mother for not taking Kylar as her mate even though Ky had on many occasions said that they were better as friends. Grown ups were confusing and stupid... Vixe grumbled quietly as he let his haunches fall to the ground in exasperation. He was too young still to figure out all the grown up problems that swirled around in his head.

'Where's Vixe?' came his brothers voice drifting towards him and a small fluffy ear twitched towards the source of the sound. Slowly the pup pushed those thought from his mind and slowly stood. He smiled evilly, apparently his siblings were up and looking for him? Perfect! He went into stalking mode much like his father had showed him, keeping his body low to the ground as he approached them from down wind. His sister was trying to tackle Rune but his brother seemed far from impressed. Well obviously Vixe would have to help him out!

The pup crept as close as he could while staying under cover before crouching low to the ground in a way that his father had showed him how to pounce of leap at prey. Vixe... Had a lot of learn. But still he bared his teeth and watched them from his hiding place for a moment. The he leapt at his sister shouting, "Fear not dear brother! I shall slay the hideous beast!" as he soared through the air, looking to tackle his oblivious sister to the ground. His father had always told him never to jump if you could help it but it was only his sister after all...