
a rocky Heat


08-31-2015, 06:41 PM

Hm hm hm...The male hummed as he walked, getting a head start on his sister to their new base of operations. Well, maybe more like getting as far away from her moaning and groaning about her new babies. The woman was a first time mother, but boy did she complain. He was irritated with her for having them in the first place, the pair reuniting only for him to find that she had gotten fat from pregnancy. Shuffling along, the shaggy beast was on his way to nowhere in particular...the scenery around him getting quite dreary and repetitive. Why couldn't he ever find something exciting to do? Nibble on someone? Perhaps even find a game of sport? Like...his favorite form of tag? A low growl resounded in his vocals, irritated further by the summer heat. Damn these lands!

Slipping down the rocks, he sought out a cool shady place to relax a bit before continuing on, but the farther he went the more things would get interesting. He paused, a heady scent coming towards him. One that was so familiar from countless others he'd encountered before it. A grin spread on his maw, the mangy looking brute slithered along as he followed after the scent, the black serpent drew closer and closer. Quietly he stalked, serpents glare searching for his prey, scanning the rocks around him. At last, he'd come upon her. Her smaller form coming into view as she lied beside a rock formation, yet he would still remain quiet until he came within striking distance. The devil paused behind her, a mere three feet at most, as his grin grew wider. Drool dripped to the ground, eyes hungrily staring at her small form. She bore the scent of a girl in fun.
