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13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
08-31-2015, 08:05 PM

Her attempted slam and bite wouldn't go as planned, instead her chest had hit off her target and her jaws had bit the fatty folds of the smaller girls scruff instead of her neck. With a growl of frustration, Avalon felt flesh and fur rip free from her teeth as Lillie jerked back. Her previous defenses remained set: Her eyes narrowed to protect them, ears remained flattened to her skull, her tail flagged out behind her for balance, teeth bared and muzzle wrinkled to protect her face, hackles remained as they were, prickling along her spine, her chin tucked as her head lowered once more. She would drop back to the ground, using her previous momentum to keep close to Lillie as her adversary tried to back away from her, but Avalon knew that in a fight, you couldn't allow your opponent to gain any distance from you. As her large paws touched down, Avalon's toes would spread and her claws would dig into the soil to allow her greater traction. Her weight would even out as her knees bent, lowering herself slightly closer to the ground as she sought to continue her charge.

With her continued forward movement and her body lowered, she noticed Lilliana attempting to move towards her, body lowered closer to the ground. A moment of confusion crossed Avalon's mind, though it lasted no more then a millisecond as she grasped what the other was trying to do. She would allow Lilliana the pleasure of slipping halfway beneath her, Avalon's legs remained slightly spread though would not budge as Lillie tried to knock her right foreleg from underneath her. She felt the smaller body brushing beneath her, but before Lilliana could go any further Avalon's jaws opened up and snaked towards the girls smaller body. She sought to bite down and grip at Lillie's back, just behind her shoulders and hold her there. Her head turned to her own left, top canines seeking to bite onto the right side of Lillie's spine and bottom canines sought to bite onto the left side of her spine. Avalon didn't want to handicap the girl, simply attain a grip and hold her there to keep her going further. She felt teeth beneath her, though not where the girl initially tried to grasp. Instead, her bite would land at the base of her chest just before her rib cage due to Avalon's keeping them within close proximity. It would not be enough force, let alone room to attain a solid hold but Avalon would attain a light and shallow bite mark, but no more.

Another sudden thought came to mind. If this girl wanted to play games, Avalon would play. Her weight would suddenly drop as she attempted to pin the girl beneath her. Avalon's chest most likely landing on her head, practically trying to lie on top of her. It was a bold move what the smaller girl tried to do, but a good idea it was not. Avalon had learned alot of tricks from all the play fights with her siblings, and with her being the largest of the lot, she learned how to use her size to her advantage against smaller wolves. Due to her counter movements, Lillie would not reach her target destination. Hopefully, due to her being stuck beneath the giantess. (Compared to her opponent).

~Fight Stats~

Avalon versus Lilliana for Spar

Round/Move: 2/2


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