
House of the Rising Sun



3 Years
09-01-2015, 12:24 AM (This post was last modified: 09-01-2015, 01:07 AM by Solare.)

Solare was still wandering. She didn't know where she was going, or where she had been, but there was something in her that kept her moving, kept her on the road. The vast, open plain was only occupied by the occasional bird, and the mountains behind her. She could either go south, east or west, and it was south she had chosen, for the warmer climate in winter. It did surprise her that she was looking ahead, planning ahead, but there were a few things she couldn't plan for. It would be a problem if other wolves came and found her here, as they might decide to have a little fight, and Solare wasn't in the best way. Her fur was beginning to turn dry and brittle, which wasn't a good sign. It wasn't illness, Solare would have felt it by now. But... She did feel rather hungry.

The problem was, there was little prey in this area. No rivers for fish - for that, she'd have to head east. Birds were impossible unless something else had already gotten at it, but there were a few buffalo in the distance, steadily walking through the grass-coated mounds that were distinctive about Buffalo Knoll. Solare instinctively took a few steps - no chance. Buffalo were big, scary, and had big ass horns. If she were with a pack, it would be different, but today she would just have to pass through. Keeping her head down and looking as harmless as possible, Solare slowly journeyed towards Buffalo Knoll, and stopped, like a wall had sprung up in front of her. This was claimed territory, and the pack had made it clear.