
Oh the places you'll go



3 Years
Extra large
09-01-2015, 03:15 AM
ooc: navigation - fern gulley

It had been mere days since she had opened her eyes, and will continue to use her vital vision for the rest of her exciting life. Of course, she had only done so out of desperation, the urge to shush and trample her smaller yet annoying siblings having overwhelmed her. Now she came to realise that seeing wasn't such a negative sense after all, in fact, it had broadened her young and innocent mind to a whole new world. Every since opening her eyes, she had begun to crawl and scamper within the confinements of the den though it all still revolved around napping and eating. Not that the latter wasn't important, she was just growing more rambunctious and restless as the time flew by, just like she had been in the womb. Around four equally active pups, it was no wonder she desired to venture out into a larger space, especially with her own bulky size. There was no other place she could think of other than The Beyond. Upon multiple occasions she had seen her father and uncle venture out from the den, but where they went remained a mystery in her intrigued mind. And this mystery she had to solve.

So upon a pleasantly warm summer's day, in the late hours of the morning, she decided to see this Beyond with her very own scarlet eyes. After spending some time precariously tapping the peculiar sunshine that filtered through the den and heated the entrance, she headed out to the blinding light, tripping on a small mound of dirt in the process. Walking appeared to be much more difficult in the Beyond without having a wall or siblings to lean upon, especially with its vast space. And oh! Was it enormous! By what her gaze could scan and thoughts comprehend, it was seemingly infinite, a boundless terrain for her paws to trek upon. All the earthen shades allured her eyes, and the blooming flora was all green like the very hue upon her pelt. She just needed to touch, see and sniff everything. But first, she needed to get there, and there wasn't a great deal she could do sprawled on the soil. Heaving herself to her paws, she hobbled upon her long limbs, occasionally stumbling though the determination to explore fuelled her motivation to falter onwards.  

Eventually, the safe and enclosed den became a distant memory, even when she stood on her tippy-toes and looked back the way she came or craned her neck to look through the monstrous plants. Finding her path home was the least of her worries; she was a carefree pup, what troubles did she truly face? Upon her wanders, every fern and ravine was being stored in her visual memory; it would only be a while before she knew her whole way around the gulley. She remembered where she had turned or swerved in direction, though for most of the time she had lumbered in a straight line. And to think today was her first day out. Soon she'll be showing her siblings around their home region, and if they got lost, she'll happily find them. Exploring, yeah, she liked it.