
U mad huh?

Mercy I


5 Years

09-01-2015, 01:31 PM

It would seem that her sass didn't bother this one, which was new to her. Mercy was used to driving others crazy with her anger, flirting, and cheeky behavior. But hey, a girl had to have fun every now and then, right? Even though his eyes narrowed, she saw that grin on his maw. There was no fooling her, and she chuckled as she rose up from her mock bow. But when he started to talk about his pack, her ears quivered to pick up his words with actual interest. She had never been part of a pack besides Imperium, so it was kinda cool to hear about the other packs out there. It only made herself feel like she had made the best choice though, she wouldn't do well anywhere else but the pack she called home. Much to soft, it sounded to her mind. Communal sounded like it could get messy fast, what if the pack divided on a major choice that needed to be made? Her head tilted, a thought crossing her mind suddenly. It sounded like a place where healers would thrive, something that she was on the look out for. Information. "This might sound like an odd question, but do you have a healer there who specializes in pups and pregnant wolves?" Her voice had dropped into a far more serious tone, tail flickering behind her. If they did, perhaps she could finally get the answers that she so craved.

Their conversation soon took a turn, his blue gaze looking back at the lands that Valentine had claimed. Oh, he had been born there as well? Mercy blinked slowly, head tilting to the side even more. "I was born in the Range as well, although I hold much less of a fondness for it." Mercy said, a small grumble in her voice. She wasn't close with her parents, in fact she didn't give two shits about them. But it had belonged to his family's pack? Wait a second... "What pack was it?" She asked, eyes growing wide. She had been part of a pack there in her early days, before it dissolved and vanished into thin air. He talked about it being a soft spot for him, but she was no longer paying attention. Searching her memory, she tried to pull out one that had him in it. It seemed like ages ago, like he had said. He didn't seem like he was that much older than her though, it was possible that she could have been there.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.