
Frankly, My Dear...



04-10-2013, 03:45 PM

Loccian moved as fast as she could, crushing up the plants quickly but carefully, making sure none came out of the dip or splashed any of the water. After a few moments her ear flicked to the side at Gerhardt's voice, trying to wake Lady Adette, she kept working though, watching from the corner of her eyes. A few seconds and she said something, awake, but she was breathing shallow, grey meeting dull blue. She set the rock aside, using her snout to carefully push the stone forward till it was just next to her snout. You must drink this mi'lady, it will help you. She spoke softly but sternly, she might have not been able to hold things down but she needed water and to get this into her system so she could get better. There was nothing she could do now, it was all up to Adette. The Queen's body needed to fight this thing off with the help of those herbs, all they could do was hope she would get better. If she showed knew signs of something besides being ill, then Loccian would go find more herbs to give to the Queen.

Sir, we should really move her into Seracia, try to get her back to the dens when she is able to move. She turned her grey eyes onto Gerhardt, sitting with her shoulders up and head held high. It will be easier to tend to her where I have a better source of herbs, and she would be safer. What if we were attacked while out here? She wasn't trying to force him to or make him feel bad for leaving her vulnerable like this out in the open, she just wanted him to know they weren't safe out here. If something did happen, Gerhardt would have to protect his Queen and Loccian seeing as she was sick and the healer knew little to nothing about fighting.
