
Hi There


04-10-2013, 03:56 PM

"I have a feeling I'd be on the trying hard end of that spectrum." It was true, Maverick was sure he would have to work hard at remembering what each plant did, how to use it, and how to store it. Still, if he practiced at it enough, the boy knew one day he would learn. He watched her go over to some plants, sniffing and snuffling around their roots and tendrils. He thought to follow her, but stayed put for fear of trampling on something she wished to use later. Where he was he was not hindering her work, or doing anything foolish or wrong. Thyme would be the next thing she showed him. Eyes focused on the leaves and flowers as she leaned the plant over to show it to him. He would attempt to memorize it's appearance in his mind as she rattled off it's uses and preparation guidelines.

She walked a few feet away, looking around again, and this time the boy followed, trying to keep from trampling on anything that might seem useful. For the most part his paws sought out dirt patches between plant groves, so that he would not give harm to anything. His tail swayed behind him, bending the thyme but not breaking it. "Is there something around here good for stopping blood?" It was an innocent enough question, but the boy had an ulterior motive in asking it. He wanted, needed to know what plants could do that, as he feared they might be the ones he'd use the most. He was a boy after all, and often got into more trouble than he could afford. Knowing how to quell a bleeding wound would come in handy, as well as something that would deal with pain would be good to know as well.
