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7 Years

09-02-2015, 02:35 PM

He closed his eyes for a moment when his sister pressed a tender kiss on his forehead. But at her first words, his eyes opened in a flash and he eyed her with much more concern than before. It didn't sound good, not at all. He let out a sigh, ears folding back to his skull as he waited for her to speak. She started with taking in the daughter of Mira, and his toes bit into the ground slightly at the sound of the woman's name. She had vanished from Abaven twice, the second time not returning at all. But they had her daughter here now? Well, he couldn't blame the girl for her mothers faults, and would not be mad at her for any of it. It was rather interesting though, that she had come here of all places. Had Mirabelle spoken so fondly of his pack that her daughter wanted to experience it for herself? But his pride soon faltered when Motif went on, saying that she nearly caused a spat between Imperium and Abaven. The male growled softly, his tail bristling as his hackles rose. But he said nothing, urging his sister on with only a glance. The packs already had a pretty shaky relationship because of everything that went down with Rhythm.

His ears pulled back even further until they nearly vanished into his pale fur. He would need to head over to Imperium to speak to Valentine, Motif was right on that. If they fight had broken out between the two, in his mind it was between the two of them and not the entire pack. But would the giant alpha think the same as him? He would need to make sure. And then she went on to speak of things being quiet in Abaven, and he let out a small grumble. He had had a worry that it would be like that in his absence, that the pack would rebel against Allen being their alpha while he was away. Leaning against his sister wearily, he closed his eyes and drew in a deep breath. "I will head over there when I get some rest, I am pretty tired after that journey." He was about to say that he was going to go lay down in his den, but Allen's howl rang out for the pack. His golden eyes glanced at Motif, a small smirk on his maw. "Looks like he read our mind. Shall we go join them?" He asked, pulling himself up on his weary paws. Rest would have to come later. Waiting for Motif's answer, he kissed her again before slowly making his way towards the call.


Art by Raqinq