
slid yourself on over


04-10-2013, 04:07 PM
It was easy, almost familiar to be standing and speaking with the king. It was what Cynrik had been raised and groomed to do after all and Gerhardt was a breath of fresh air from what he was used to with most wolves. He was proper, formal and polite no matter the circumstances and Cynrik appreciated it more then anything in a king, especially one that Cynrik had decided to follow. He had questioned his choice to join this new pack a couple of times since first meeting Gerhardt but it seemed this simple meeting had chased all those worries and concerns away. He almost glanced away in shame when the king mentioned that Cynrik's absence had been noted but it was brushed aside as Gerhardt said that it was alright because the golden boy had stayed in the pack lands.

He remained quiet though, waiting as the male spoke, saying that he wasn't the first to ask for further responsibilities and nodding along to show he was listening and that he understood. Maybe his tongue would have a use here? At this last comment before Gerhardt's pause Cynrik's ears tipped forward to show a keen interest to this subject. But otherwise remained silent, the male seeming like he had more to say and Cynrik had no desire to interrupt him. So a pack hunt it was? Not exactly what Cynrik had been hopping for but hey it was a start right? It would give him time to get to know some of the wolves maybe and be a bigger part of this pack. They could leave pack lands? Cynrik listened carefully to the terms and nodded slowly. Once he finished Cynrik paused for a moment thoughtfully. "Agreed, but... The lady Loccian who joined at the beginning with myself and a few others... Is she still around? If so would you allow me to ask her to join us? I will do my best to keep every one who choses to join me on the hunt safe but even the most cautious wolves can get hurt by a stray hoof. I'd like to have a healer nearby, if you'd allow it, even if she chooses not to join the hunt herself." he said, words careful and measured even as he spoke them before glancing at Gerhardt to see his reaction to the golden boy's suggestion. "Aside from that I would be honored to organize a pack hunt and will do so at first light tomorrow." he said, this time a bit more comfortable with his words.