
Walk up to the club like [AW]



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
09-02-2015, 07:10 PM

All of his attacks earned him some amount of success. His efforts forced his opponent to the ground as he'd hoped they would. Feeling that his bite wasn't worth keeping with the odd-eyed man down, Valentine released it. He was in the process of formulating another attack when he felt what he guessed to be his opponent's paws strike the middle of the inside of his right foreleg one right after the other. The force behind them wasn't that great, so only mild bruises would form along the points of contact.

Pain flared up Valentine's leg as Alvin's teeth sunk into his wrist directly above the paw of his left foreleg. The thin skin there torn and wept readily; his opponent's efforts tearing open a moderate wound. Thankfully, the King's weight had been shifted back and distributed among his other three limbs during his attempt to smash Alvin's toes, so the leg wasn't bearing much weight.

Blind rage and pain pulled a guttural roar from the King's lips as his jaws parted and he sought to land a damning bite across the back of his opponent's outstretched neck. Valentine sought to sink his teeth into the back of Alvin's neck. He wanted to grab right at the base of Alvin's skull, to drive his upper front teeth into the center of the vertebrae there and his lower front teeth the left side of Alvin's neck right behind his left ear. The King wanted to slice through the skin and fat there and apply enough pressure to the base of Alvin's skull to hopefully cause intense pain and force him to submit or risk paralysis. Such a grip would hopefully also greatly limit his opponent's movements and give Valentine control of his head.

Faced with a downed opponent, Valentine decided he may as well get down on the ground too. Carefully, so as not to put too much weight on his captured left foreleg, Valentine shuffled his right forefoot in closer towards his left forefoot and rolled his right shoulder in so that the bony front of it was jutted forward. He then began to drop to the ground, seeking a dead fall that would drive the point of the aforementioned shoulder into the meaty exterior of his opponent's left thigh with as much force as his hefty weight and a shove from his hind legs could offer. The blow would hopefully land on the very back of the outside of his opponent's thigh (his left butt cheek, I suppose).

Because there wasn't much distance between his shoulder and his chest, Valentine was also hoping the midway point between the point of his left shoulder and the center of his chest would strike the kneecap of his opponent's left back leg. He wanted to worsen the damage previously done, to jar the injured kneecap and further strain the fibers that held it together, and in doing so, hopefully cause a considerable amount of pain.

Through all of this most of his defenses remained the same. Valentine's ears lay flat against his skull, his eyes stayed narrowed and his lips stayed curled. Along his back, the King's hackles stood tall and rigid, and his tail was held straight out behind him for balance. He was careful to keep his weight evenly distributed among his right foreleg and hind legs in case his opponent decided to give his left foreleg a yank. His knees and elbows were bent, his toes splayed, and his stance slightly wider than hip/shoulder width. Valentine was tense all over, muscles held taunt and at the ready for quick movements.

Round TWO of TWO

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.