
ATREIDES lineage - Sibling Trio - UNLIMITED SPOTS



5 Years
09-02-2015, 07:20 PM (This post was last modified: 09-05-2015, 08:40 PM by Rælynn.)
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GODS, as they were sought to be known as in they're old homelands. in fact many believed they were. their TRAITS and astonishing BEAUTY would be forever in their favor, some were WARRIORS others WISE WORDSMITHS and then there were your SELECT FEW that SOLD their SOUL to the DEVIL himself - practicing in the arts of DEMONIC POSSESSIONS as they pleaded for MORE STRENGTH then they already had under their paws. it was in that time that a DEMENTED AND DERANGED imp was born into this world. at birth the king and queen named him DEIMOS ATREIDES, we was a HANDSOME fellow, quite LARGE for a new born pup but given his DIRE genetics he had the upper hand against the rest of his siblings and was the MOST COLORFUL - having been granted a GORGEOUS FIERY ORANGE pelt with BLACK MARKINGS to match and eyes as RED as the blood moon itself. he was the eldest of THREE, two sisters and one brother - HECATE, ESTHER and ELIJAH. all of which whom were HEIRS to the THRONE when their parents passed. but, there is a catch. deimos at the time was already developing his DEVIOUS PLOTS at a very young age - he wanted the CROWN more than any of his other kin and he was certain to EARN his prize, whether it be killing his brother and sisters for POWER or DIE TRYING. he wanted NOTHING MORE than to be KING.

at the age of ONE, he was a THREAT and a DANGER to his family. he attempted to DISMEMBER his brothers HEAD in a spar, if not for his sister hecate than elijah would be DEAD. albeit, deimos learned from this and in his METHODS he out mastered in the fine arts of WAR - becoming well known throughout the lands as the MAN O' WAR. he pledged an ALLEGIANCE to the devil and in his wake the atreides lineage prospered. this beast of a wolf was quick to FALL IN LOVE with a woman that was as evil as he, her name was MEDUSA and the two were surprisingly INSEPARABLE which made it a hazard to the rest of the atreides'.

it wasn't long for those two to become INTIMATE, medusa was IMPREGNATED at the age of two while deimos was three. they gave birth to their FIRST LITTER, two girls and one boy - they named them RÆLYNN, BRÆLYNN and JEDEDIAH; all of whom were TRIPLETS. none of them inherited their fathers MAGNIFICENT pelt, instead they were blessed the NATURAL COLORINGS of black and white like their mother. rælynn was IDENTICAL to her mother, as were the other two but with less the matching tints. brælynn was a SPITTING IMAGE of her sister and her mother, whilst jedediah had a OBSIDIAN coat with a IVORY FACE and one RIGHT PAW with the same color. they were a TWINKLE in their mothers eye, not so much their fathers. it was thus after their births deimos RETURNED back to his DESOLATION of taking the crown to his throne.

ONE YEAR LATER, deimos's brother was ENRAGED by his brothers idiocy, CHALLENGING him to a duel in which would be the RECKONING and the turn of their family ties as a unit. elijah taunts his brother in BATTLING for the crown and thus deimos ACCEPTS the challenge. deimos and elijah DUELED for DOMINANCE, battling it out through claw and fang. eventually though, the fight escalated - making it a DEATH MATCH between the two brothers. but in the end, deimos was the VICTOR, leaving his brother in a heap of bones, blood and severed flesh and fur. that was the end of elijah atreides and in his passing by the paws of his own kin his mother and father SHUNNED deimos for the spilling of his own brothers blood.

TWO MONTHS LATER, hecate and esther FONDLE THE TRIGGER of their eldest brothers temper. all they wanted was REVENGE for the death of elijah, but all they were repaid with was a harsh REENACTMENT of elijah's murder. deimos had become your typical SERIAL KILLER, growing used to his CANNIBALISTIC ways as he was to insure he taught his children this way of life - but medusa FORBID it. hecate was the SECOND one of elijah's kin TO FALL at the paws of their CORRUPTED older brother. esther was the last of atreides' sibling that was somewhat, SANE and not meddling in the affairs of satan. although, she too was struck down by deimos's WRATH and AVARICE. whence ends the ties of precious family.

IN THE END, deimos claims what is RIGHTFULLY his after both his parents pass away. rælynn, brælynn and jedediah are almost at the peak of their teenager years as their parents begin to give birth to MORE PUPS - some of which have the same colorization as their father. the sibling trio of atreides's lives on after deimos and medusa PASS AWAY a couple months after the FIFTH LITTER. the legend of the "so called" DEMIGODS are still spoken of through the eyes of their heirs, this MASSIVE ARRAY of siblings and their bloodlines are very much alive and thriving - well some of them at least. most of the atreides' are to be FEARED for the remnant of deimos is welded within the confines of their souls. UPON MEETING a atreides you should do well to remember the way they present themselves - for these FEROCIOUS RUSSIANS are not to played with. RESPECT them and they will see to that you get the same in return - if you don't, then be prepared for WAR because unlike the original atreides' siblings, they VALUE family and fucking with one of their own - it's like picking a fight with a full grown LION.

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OPEN SLOTS - refer to the image in ræ's profile for the extended family!

Sibling Trio:
Jedediah Atreides - open for dibs!
Celestia Atreides - open for dibs!
Toban Atreides - open for dibs!
Aurora Atreides - open for dibs!
Driscoll Atreides -open for dibs!
Elysian Atreides - open for dibs!
Silas Atreides -open for dibs!
Dayanara Atreides - open for dibs!
Rowan Atreides - open for dibs!

Erin Atreides - open for dibs!
Bartholomew Atreides - open for dibs!

Syrene Atreides - open for dibs!
Serberous Atreides - open for dibs!


Brælynn Atreides - taken by kayi!
DESCRIPTIONS - written appearances of a select few!

Deimos's Mother - she was a rather petite female, fragile on some levels but her luminescent pelt was constructed by the gods. she had a plentiful bodice that was struck with platinum albinism and celestial blue colors that tainted her fur coat. she was designed like zebra almost, the black stripes of a zebra were replaced with the azure color upon her body while the white was more of an albino tint. her eyes were a flushed silver.

Deimos's Father - he was as large as life itself, a dire wolf in all honesty. he was masculine and built like a mountain. his coat was decorated in a rather flame like appeal, almost as if hell's fire spit all over him. the half portion of his body was a light yet vibrant orange that then faded into a a harsh lava color - a pure flame in his wake and his attire resembled this. he had one yellow eye and one red/orange eye.

Deimos - he was a spitting image of his father, yet instead of the flame like print of his father his simply was a mixture of these red and oranges with black markings and bright blood red eyes.

Hecate - she was a mixture of her mother and father, she had some splashes of red on her coat and some lighter blue hues as well with the main pigment of her coat being a pure snow white color. she has one red eye and one blue eye.

Esther - she was a pure red femme, no markings whatsoever aside from the glowing appeal she had to her brightly colored coat. she was a fully molten wolf with black and silver eyes to fit her.

Elijah - he was a dark ocean blue male, with albino swirled markings on all four of his limbs and two cyan eyes to catch.

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