
Blank Space



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
09-02-2015, 10:39 PM

Now that they had moved to the West, Avalon had the chance to explore while things were settled. Back up North, there was an air of tenseness and fear from Yfir, not so much from herself but because of Arian...on top of that, Avalon had been afraid of running into Vereux after the argument between him and Arian. She sighed, fur rippling with the light wind of the night as she walked smoothly through the field of trees. This was an interesting place, but at the same time it sent shivers down her spine. The area felt odd, surreal and maybe haunted even. The skeletal trees were something she'd never seen before, the colors and life bleached right out of their bones.

Continuing on, the woman drew closer to the center of the territory. The evening sunset lowering over the horizon, casting cool air and eerie shadows of the trees as their branches snaked across the ground. She would be lying to herself if she said she wasn't nervous, but that's exactly what she was feeling at the moment especially with her heat. It made her edgy, and though she had never mated before, part of her was afraid of doing so. But then again, she'd never met anyone else besides that one man a few years ago who she'd grown close to. Indeed, family was a strong bond for her, and she wished to have her own someday now that she no longer had her parents or siblings around. She was alone in the world, despite Arian being her closest friend and being the god mother of her children, it was not something that came close to filling that hole. Sighing, the woman soon came upon a pool that reflected the bleeding sky. Peering into the pool, she would find herself reflected in it's depths, a creature unsure of her future. Afraid of it even.

Settling beside the pool of water, she lowered herself to the ground as outstretched paws sought to touch the brimming surface. She wished that one day, her fears and insecurities would melt away along with her horrid past. Why and how had things come to be this way? She was sure by now, that she was destined to be alone. Sure, a crush here and there...but nothing beyond that. Was she just something that others didn't like to look at? Or did losing her family curse her in some way? Perhaps her families legacy would come to an end...and the mere thought of it brought a quiet whine and heartache to the girl. Slowly, head lowered to rest on her forepaws, the stream of thoughts past thoughts intertwining with ones for a future, that potentially might not exist.

"Talk" "You" Think


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