
ATREIDES lineage - Sibling Trio - UNLIMITED SPOTS


09-03-2015, 11:01 AM

A false affection, a false creation

Vicious words and false belief

Notes: Finished.

» 36'.
» 144 lbs.

NAME:Brælynn Atreides.
Alignment: Chaotic Evil.
APPEARANCE: Darkness blankets this women from nose to tail, save for the light that disturbs it upon her bodice. starting from the bottom half of her muzzle this white light takes hold, standing fast against the darkness of her pelt it extends it's reach down her neck and onto the bottom half of her body, including the under half of her tail. Her legs as well show a grip that this light takes, a small sock on one and a much larger one on the other before being stopped by the darkness once more. The women is built much akin to a male, only with a feminine seductive flare added to it, with her angle features it's hard not to give the women a second look. Appearing much like her twin, in all but perhaps a single inch - it would bet he only difference one would find between the two, save for perhaps some parts of their inner workings.


» Detached, is a good word for one of the many traits of her personality. Only one as ever been able to tether her to the world they live in, her twin Rælynn. Alas the women has no emotional attachment to this world or those within it, save for those who share her blood. Even then it's limited almost extremely so. When it comes to blood shed, there is no other. She cares little if it's prey or another wolf, she will take a life on the whim if it suits her fancy.

» Unpredictable, it's hard to say what this deranged women will do. She maybe sunny and happy one moment, then ripping your throat out the next. It just happens so fats, as if someone had just flicked a switch within her. It takes little to nothing to cause it to happen, those around her learn yo be weary of her and her tendencies, for if one is seen as an enemy or thread the women will stop at nothing to eliminate it. Only those that are safe from this unpredictable behavior have been those of her own family, but even they time to time feel the wrath of it.

» Ruthless, her ways are simply that. The dark women isn't one for small talk, she doesn't dilly dally in politics for they are not her thing. No, she has proven time and again to be a warrior, a foot solider on the front lines; stopping at nothing to keep the enemy at bay or to eliminate them all with her own fangs and claws, if she must. The politics have always been left to her sister however do not let this fool you, the women is known to have a cunning mind and a knack for politics whenever she proves to show interest in such idle things. The women simply prefers to save the headache for her dear sibling or for those within the family, if they wanted something done, she'll do it without a word. To say the least she isn't a afraid to get down and down right dirty.

» Stoic, cold, bitter. Alas she isn't known for her kinder side, which is more often then not saved for whom share her blood ties, but no one else. It's hard to say if the aging women will always be like this or soften up over time. Never the less combined with her more ruthless trait, the women isn't someone to be on the bad side of. Once an enemy has been made in her eyes, she will stop at nothing to be rid of the nuance once and for all.

» Sadistic, she enjoys spilling blood almost as the pain another causes to her. It's a sweet sympathy that she can never get enough of. Weather it be in the heat of battle or in the quite confines of a den, it matters little as long the pleasure flows. Alas, this does not make her reckless and foolish, the women knows her own limits; the question is, do you?

» Deep down an unbridled anger just hides under the surface. Perhaps a trait from along ago, but never the less many have seen her anger and felt her wrath. Few had lived to tell the tale, with this an uneasy presences lingers about the women. Perhaps to serve as a warning for she is all the more then happy to let this anger loose upon some undeserving soul. Good, bad, she doesn't give two shits who you are; if you bring out that inner anger be prepared to pay the ultimate price for it.

» The women is strongly Independent when the need arises, alas she will rely on no one to get the job done. As they say, if you want something done right, you have to do it your self. Spies, assassins, they all have their uses and yet when they fail it makes them weak, worthless and unworthy of such a title in her eyes.

» Those that do not trust her find themselves quite the wise wolf indeed. For with her personality traits, she can be highly untrustworthy to many, but such she would never do to her own family. Blood before all else, her trust and loyalty belong to them, first and foremost. No wolf or pack will get in the way of that, perhaps making her a bit self-serving but only for the interest of the family it self. The women would never betray her own, but be it a pack or a individual that shares no ties to her family, so be it.

» Quite honestly the women doesn't give two-shits about any law, be it of a single soul or that of many. Pack laws? She'd sooner throw them in their face and spit on them. So be it whatever the consequences maybe, the only rule or laws she may listen to are those set by the family. They are her concern, not some sniveling pack that's is too spineless to reenforce their own laws. They are worthless, pathetic, lower then the very worms that crawl in the dirt beneath her paws.

» Ahh yes, there is a darker side to this women beneath all of what one may see upon the surface. There is a wish to do harm, to do very evil things to one. Be it torture or simply ripping one limb from limb, perhaps to the extreme one could call this women. With a lack of empathy or remorse there is little surprise she'd go so low, just for her own enjoyment.