
Father, may I?



5 Years
09-03-2015, 08:37 PM (This post was last modified: 09-03-2015, 09:05 PM by Starling.)
Starling shifted again as his father questioned the knowledge he had, sighing softly. His sky blue eyes would shift up at Bass before looking back down then, staring at the herbs he had laid out to dry. "Arian ha detto che aveva promesso il suo trono per lui... perché lui era potente. Ha cambiato la sua mente mentre parlava con me, e mi ha avvertito che sarebbe stato dispettoso e forse uccisa..." He said softly, but that was all he knew. He had never met the man, and he had mainly been astonished on why Arian had let herself into this hole but never really questioned on why this man was a danger. "Sonticus spostato... e sono sicuro che peccato non è stato dato il trono. Non ho bastone in giro ho solo... volevo tornare a casa." He said softly, lifting sky blue eyes back up to bass as he smiled almost weakly. He wasn't that great at this whole political thing, but he wanted his father to know the details he had gotten...even if they were very little. He'd smile softly when the mood changed, and his ears would swivel forward as he listened to the news his father had to share. Blue eyes would grow wider as his smile spread so far up his cheeks it felt like he would dislocate his jaw.

"Really?!" He yelped happily, his tail swinging behind him as he hopped on his paws lightly. "Posso prendermi cura di mamma? Gestire le sue erbe? Oh, per favore, papà. Ho aiutato Arian quando ha partorito i suoi figli! Voglio aiutare!" He said rather loudly for his voice, wiggling in his excitement as he looked up at Bass with his bright and shining eyes. This news was great! It was fantastic! It was so so much better than Starling's. New siblings?! He was gonna be a big brother! Oh it was great. "Ti insegnerò loro tutto quello che so, padre. Tutto! Imparerò più modo che io possa insegnare. Oh, i piccoli fratelli!" He exclaimed, his words coming out much faster than normal as he almost rambled. He was so excited, so happy, everything was wonderful.
