
Something you left alone



7 Years

09-04-2015, 12:14 PM

The two of them just eyed each other for a moment, and as soon as he saw Quelt's muscles coil for action he set himself up for impact. His shoulders rolled forward, his weight shifting evenly across all four legs. He bent slightly at the knee, toes spreading as his claws bit into the soft earth. Ears folded back against his skull, eyes narrowing as he lowered his chin towards his chest. Head and tail both aligned with his spine, lips pulling up into a snarl as the larger man came nearer to him. Because of the four inches that separated the men, Quelt's left shoulder slammed into the upper portion of the front of his shoulder, instead of the middle. The pale male flinched slightly, a moderate bruise spreading over his upper shoulder. He hoped that from his shoulder being rolled forward that the impact effected Quelt as well. As his opponents jaws opened, Bass quickly dropped into a play bow pose, the front half of his body lingering about an inch above the ground, his front limbs spreading out and hopefully in between Quelt's legs. Bass' weight tried to stay as even as possible in this new position. Because of this movement, his bite missed completely, Bass' ears pulling back further. Quickly Bass aimed to tip his head towards his own right, muzzle following. Stretching his neck upwards, Bass aimed to bite the underside of Quelt's neck, about two inches back from the hinge of his jaw. Bass' upper jaws sought the right side of the outer portion of his neck, his bottom jaws aiming for the middle part of his throat, directly above his trachea. Bass hoped to bite down with enough force to crush his windpipe, hopefully blocking the bigger male's breathing long enough to make him black out. The alpha also sought to get a hold on his neck, hopefully giving Quelt less of a chance to bite him. At the same time Bass lifted his front right leg, shifting his weight to his left side as his right leg shot out, aiming to curl around the ankle of Quelt's left hind leg. In the same movement he tried to pull his leg back towards his face, hopefully taking Quelt's leg out from under him and knocking him off balance.

Bass vs Quelt for Rank
Round 1 of 3


Art by Evelyn