
The Ocean and The Moon


04-10-2013, 05:18 PM

A silver and Black lining encased the dark flowing trickle of river water. The dark blue of the sky reflected off the surface, the fish that could be seen swam close to the edge of the embankment. They flowed softly through the stream, letting the water steal them away to their next place of home. The fish continued to glide along, until something startled them. The fish scattered in every direction fleeing from the scene. A master of fleeing, best of camouflaged, and the fish were gone in an instant. The full moon showed itself from the ripples of water revealing the cloud that was hiding it's silver friend away. A droplet of a deep red splashed in it's reflection; a mystery of which it came. The dye gained matter and spread like wild fire. A pool of red escaped into the water spreading the disease across the river not missing an inch. A wolf was revealed, slashed at the throat, mouth opened as the blood seeped out from the dame's neck and tongue. The bright blue eyes were empty of the life that was there but the fear remained in her soul as it seeped out through the baby blue orbs. A wolf stood on top of the lifeless female, as blood dripped down the boy's face and traveled down his--

The disturbed brute awoke from the dreaded nightmare. It was his only time to sleep but god had taken it from him. The brute jolted up in the horror of his memory. Just a dream... But the male's dreams were always the remembrance of his history, of the horrid and wicked things he had done to help himself. A deep gasp escaped the air as he tried to ignore he memories that had come to haunt him once more. His eye's closed softly and he began to stand.

A long stroll was scheduled as the brute started off to the sound of rushing water. It was impossible for him to sleep once more, so what better is there then a nice relaxing walk down the river side?

The gravel molted wolf pressed his paws against the ground fallowing the only friend he knew; the moon. The sound of the water rushing over slick rocks chased the male as he walked the path. Though clouds surrounded the black sky, stars twinkled across the never-ending universe. So many other worlds there were to see, how was it possible for him to be anywhere else instead of dreading his life down on earth? There must have been a better way then living like this, there must have been a way to release the pain and agony he held.

The stream expanded and broke into many different paths but the male continued his own on the left edge of the river. Soon the grass became thinner, and sand started to grow into his paw pads. He could smell the ocean.

Oh, how he hated the ocean, it was one of his worst fears to be swallowed whole by the everlasting pool of water. But even though he hated to ocean, he absolutely loved the salty smell of the air that flooding his nose. So the male took off into a lope and headed toward the beach. Sand kicked up from behind him and it stuck up between his toes. Once the sand became wet, he stopped sliding across the surface. His legs shot back away from the water as he stood there almost trembling in fear, but there was not trembling, there was no fear, there was only the quick stop of a lonely male on the beach looking down at his only friend, the moon.

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