
A single act or many



6 Years
Extra large
09-04-2015, 03:41 PM

He hadn't meant to startle Anais or ruin her rhythm, he had just been so surprised himself when something quick and slimy battered against his paws. He had almost sunk himself, stopping in surprise until he realized what it was. His giant form had sunk a little, till only his head was out the water until he had realized what it was that had startled him and began to paddle again, laughing and pointing out to Anais what it was. He would watch her as she turned a half circle on the spot, grinning at her own curiosity. It showed how brilliant the water was, how fearless the island's fish was, and the clear sparkling water somehow seemed more complete now as he looked beneath the surface to bright scales of their friendly companions.

He snorted at Anais's words “Lets save racing the fishes to our little Loch-Ness-Locha” he teased, he wasn't exactly speedy in the water himself – powerful and sure, yes, but speed in a situation like this wasn't in him. The agile, beautiful creature beside him could surely outpace him if she tried. His swimming rhythm changed as the bottom of his paws touched sand, he couldn't quite reach it without stretching out his paws yet, and it was another few strokes before he was walking once more and not swimming. A fish darted between his paws, drawing a little figure eight before it moved over to Anais's ducking beneath her still paddling paws and vanishing from sight. He watched its path before lifting his gaze to Anais's face. “We made it, my little adventurer.” he said as he made an easy pace across the shallowing water and in no time they where in water so shallow it only encircled his ankles. “I vote we sunbath for a breath to warm up and rest, then we can explore the island?” he questioned, through his gaze already sought out the perfect spot. There was a little grassy cliff, only twice his height just on the edge of the sand, it had a perfect view of the ocean, the sky, and the land they had left behind.

Art by Arin