
Children of Laxa & De: Erebos and Marvo


04-10-2013, 05:21 PM (This post was last modified: 07-02-2013, 02:14 PM by Deteste.)
Hello! So this is an adoption thread for the children of my character Deteste, and the children of his mate Laxago, roleplayed my Azil. If you're interested in either of these characters please make a post on here with the name of the character you are interested in and an example post (800 - 1000 words) in the perspective of the character you're interested in. Make sure to include thoughts and motives so we can see how you would roleplay the character. We'll let you know if you're what we're looking for.

Erebos and Marvo are from the same litter. They were birthed in winter, with three other pups but the others died soon after birth. The brothers had a difficult up bringing. Laxago suffered severe post-partum depression and although she was sweet and good to her children, she felt unable to love them. She suffered from severe depression up until the time that they left their parents. Deteste did his best to raise the boys. He loved his children dearly and still does today, though they refuse to keep contact with he and his mate. The family moved constantly, in search of a pack that would keep them. But Laxago's condition and Deteste's personality flaws combined made them highly unappealing to many leaders. Winters were especially harsh as Deteste was the only capable hunters. The boys left home at the age of two.

Here are links to the parent's profiles:
Deteste :
Laxago :
Here are their profiles:

Name: Erebos Black
Age: 3
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Ice Blue, almost white.
Pelt Color: Monotone Black, meaning no color tint other than white in any light.
Height: 36"
Length: 45"
Weight: 110 lb
Markings: White bib and chest.
Scars: None

Appearance: Erebos is the spitting image of his father. The only things that distinguish them from one another is Deteste's collection of scars and Erebos' white crest. Erebos' body is extremely athletic. He has a body type similar to a coon hound with muscle concentrated most around his jaws, shoulders and hind legs making him an excellent hunter and fighter. His face has narrow delicate features with a narrow jaw and a thin lipped mouth.

Personality: Unlike his brother, Erebos enjoys talking with others and is a rather lively character. While Erebos isn't known to lash out in anger, he has inherited his father's creativity and prefers to play mind games with those that have offended him. He has a desire to amplify pain rather than to immediately relieve himself with a fight. A broken bone for his adversary is much more painful and crippling than winning a fight. Erebos likes to be neat and disorder bothers him. He will organize things, he will correct your grammar, he will cleanly butcher fresh meals. Erebos needs order and entertainment to draw him away from a deep and hallucinogenic depression that he has, so far, been able to keep under control. While he still sees things that others can not, he has learned to keep it secret. Erebos avoids his parents.


user posted image

Name: Marvo Black
Parents:Laxago & Deteste
Age: 3
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Grey Olive-Green
Pelt Color: Layered Mid-Tone Grays
Height: 34"
Length: 43"
Weight: 90 lb
Markings: Thin black outlines around eyes.
Scars: Three shallow, short scratches on right cheek mostly hidden by pelt. This is from Marvo being held down by Deteste when Erebos was having a psychotic fit and needed to be restrained.

Appearance: Marvo has his father's size but his mother's build. His body is similar to that of a sheep dog, tall but somewhat compact. Thick muscle layers his neck, shoulders, back and thighs. His face is boxy and equally proportioned with a square, attractive jaw. His pelt is thick year round.

Personality: Marvo has a very short temper and is known to strike out furiously with little or no cause. He appears to always be frustrated or irritated with one thing or another and is highly suspicious of other's motives and actions. He is embarrassed by his father's mannerisms and blames him for his mother's psychological problems. Marvo appears neurotic and emotionless when interacting with others and speaks few words taking refuge in his calculated and analytical thoughts. His only soft spot is for his mother but has difficulty expressing it. When he visits her, her depressive states instead enrage him. Regardless of Marvo's tempers, he has good values and does not intentionally mean to harm others.