
King For A Day


09-04-2015, 07:45 PM

The man was not waiting long. He would breathe in, looking upon the blood coated stranger. Something in his heart ran cold, perhaps a shiver of fear. Who would wear blood upon their coat? It was bizarre, and Allen questioned the safety of where he was. The calico gentleman would tip his head, waiting for the other to address him first. That he had, revealing that there had once been a pack here, but it had moved on. Sonticus. He had not heard that name before, and the man questioned what sort of pack it was. Perhaps not quite like this wolf... but who was to say?

"They are not what I seek." The man would begin, feeling confusion muddle his mind. What had he come for? He didn't even know himself. "I feel that I am just... running... from a phantom who will not face me. A phantom who I can't bring myself to face. I didn't even realize that I had stumbled upon a populated place until moments ago. I did not wish to alarm you, so thus I called." The aging gentleman would let out a heavy sigh. Perhaps...

"Please forgive me if I startled you or your mate. I wish you guys no harm." The Abaven male was second guessing even calling. Perhaps if he had simply left that would have been for the better...

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah