



4 Years
Extra large
09-04-2015, 08:27 PM

Music to her ears, the sweet sound of flesh meeting flesh in the violent dance of battle.  The front of Karabela's lower left shoulder smashed into it's target, the deltoid of Rælynn's upper right arm, the other woman would shudder at the blow but remain standing, pulling away as Raba's jaws shot forward, gleaming fangs tearing into the flesh of her opponents right sided jaw, seizing hold over the mandible's corner.  Her left forepaw collided with Ræ's right forepaw and the speckled wraith would immediately redistribute her weight to all four limbs, double-checking her defenses remained even as her brutal attacks connected.  Skull and tail aligned with her spine as best as she was able, her chin moving to tuck and her neck scrunching back, shoulders rolling sharply forward.  Macabre matts of mottled fur laced down her back as her limbs bent, lowering her center of gravity and bringing her closer to her opponents level.  Her toes remained splayed, claws biting into the earth.  Raba's audits lay flat atop her grown, golden eyes still narrowed and calculating, waiting eagerly for her opponent to return the assault, return the pain.

Karabela didn't have to wait long as Rælynn broke free from her grasp, the enemies fangs finding their way into the back of her neck, several inches up from her shoulder blades but not quite midway. A growl of pain rumbled from Raba's throat as blood welled up from the grip.  However, with her shoulders rolled forward and neck scrunched back the wound remained tolerable and her important tendons and veins safe, for the moment.  Karabela felt Rælynn's right forepaw slip from underneath her left one, the weight of Rælynn's right forelimb hooking across the top of her shoulder blades but with all four limbs grounded she would not be falling any time soon….  her opponent on the other paw...

Karabela attempted to pull back a split-second before her limbs would uncoil as she launched herself forward seeking to crash her greater mass violently into her opponent and maintain her 45 degree angle.  Raba hoped to lance the front of her right shoulder forward and up, seeking to slam it into Rælynn's trachea a few inches above the sternum and send the other woman sputtering and choking away from her.  In addition she also sought to collide the center of her chest with the upper right of Rælynn's chest in the hopes of causing bruising as well as, in conjunction with her shoulder throw, overpowering and toppling her opponent who balanced on three limbs where she charged with four.  Simultaneousy with her other attacks Karabela's blood-stained maw would part as her wolven blades sought to clamp down over her opponents right ear, upper fangs in front of the delicate appendage, lower fangs behind it. She hoped to snap her jaws together and tear the ear free of her opponents ebony crown.

Karabela vs Rælynn for Sparr
Rd. 2/2

[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king