
I'm a Stitch Away From Making It

Bright Moon


6 Years
09-04-2015, 09:56 PM
The meek woman allowed a smile to brighten her face when he mentioned that he also had a fondness for children; she was glad to hear that this pack's lead wolf also had an affinity for pups, just as she did. As her silver eyes rose to meet his gaze, she could see that he was kind. She listened intently as he welcomed her into the pack and explained how she would hold a temporary rank, basically until the pack got to know her, to make sure she would fit in with them and their ways. She dipped her head respectfully, her tail-tip wagging, so grateful to be considered as a member of the pack. She would do her best to work hard and assimilate to their expectations. She hoped to provide well for them by hunting to the best of her ability, and she couldn't wait to start learning more about healing. "I will work hard to fit in," she said with a self-assured nod.

Finally he mentioned that if the opportunity arose for her to work closely with the pups of the pack, they would try to make it work (if she had proved herself, of course). "Thank you very much, Leo," she said, her head lowered, "I am grateful to be a part of Fiori. I will do my best for you." Now perhaps it was time for her to get to know her new surroundings, a landscape that would soon become familiar to her. She wanted to get to know her new pack mates as well, but she wasn't sure how much she could handle in one day. She wished she had more to say to Leo right now but she knew in time as she gained confidence with these wolves, she would converse more freely and openly. Quietly, she waited for him to lead the way, so she could follow him into the territory.