
Don't wanna stay, don't wanna go



6 Years

09-04-2015, 11:09 PM (This post was last modified: 09-07-2015, 07:26 PM by Esarosa.)

The lone she-wolf had followed Miksa's scent back to the pack where he resided, though some time had passed since she'd decided to make an approach. She'd spent some time exploring neighboring territories, getting a feel for the east. It was nice, but she hadn't seen the ocean yet, and she longed for the scent of a salty, humid breeze directly off the waves. She had hoped to share the view with her friend, but she wasn't sure if she'd be allowed passage within Threar. She also wasn't sure if she should wait for Miksa to find her again, or if she should just seek out the pack's leaders by herself. Impatiently, she had decided upon the latter. But I should bring them something if I want to make a good impression, she thought with a decisive nod.

She hadn't crossed into pack territory yet, she was still further upstream from Sunset Falls. Inhaling the lush scents of a summery forest, it didn't take her long to catch the scent of prey - specifically, beaver. Esarosa knew that there must be a dam close-by. Stalking toward the scent, she quietly parted her way through the undergrowth until the cool air of the stream brushed over her whiskers. She paused, ears swiveling as she listened for the sound of an animal. At last she heard a small splash, and one of the buck-toothed, brown animals slipped out of the water and onto the damp shore, heading toward a partially chewed sapling just up the bank a little. Esa waited for the beaver to leave the safety of the water, then carefully crept forward, until she was closer to the water than the beaver was. Then she plunged forward, and with a mighty leap she overtook the clumsy animal, catching it between her forepaws and dealing a deadly blow to its neck with her jaws.

Satisfied with her catch, she picked it up and quickly headed for the border of Threar. She dearly hoped they would see her as a friend. She wasn't even sure what she would say yet, but she was sure she'd figure it out when someone showed up. She came to the edge of the territory and set down the beaver she'd caught before lifting her head and howling a friendly greeting. It had been a long time since she'd heard her own song, and it had been longer still since she'd met with a structured group of wolves - she hadn't yet seen her first birthday the last time she'd been with a pack. She hoped this didn't turn out too awkwardly, and though she wanted to see Miksa, she hoped he wouldn't show for this; what if they rejected her?

"Speak" "Listen" Think