
Summer just isn't my season



7 Years
09-06-2015, 12:51 PM
Nako let out an 'oof' as he collided with Renhetts rump, sharply applying a playful nip against the offending haunch in relation. Ah, he remembered as he stood side by side. Ren was a wolf of the mind and a seeker of knowledge. "Aye, a wolf of mind would like this place..." He would add to that pool with a nod as he looked from her towards the castle's wooden doors in remembrance. "and yes I've been through those doors twice, the last time was before meeting you." Nako shifted a bit and minded that she could possibly not take further details of what happened during his second visit and so kept quiet.

Renhett was already moving on up and towards the castle, calling for him to give her a tour. With an eager bound Nako raced up ahead of her and held open an oaken door for his friend to part through, his muzzle chaffing into the wood as an eye skewed to follow Ren as she joined him. "I'll kill your boredom," Nako dragged out the kill as she had in playful mockery. "I know that there is noticing but bedding and oddly shaped wood in the rooms upstairs." Nako's gazed searched the two halls to the pairs left or right, the stairs to their front ignored. "I'm thinking left, in honor of my left ear that shan't sense but a whisper of the loudest thunder or the cries of a partner beneath my chest." Nako gave a mock sniff and then laughed as he took the lead down the hallway, winking at Renhett before focusing on his front.

The air was thick and unmoving the further he ventured down the hall, the feathers on his mane motionless save for the rolling with his shoulders at each step. "So, you smell of a pack now," Nako pawed at a door, finding it would only budge a fraction of an inch. Not one to be deterred by such an obstacle he braced his shoulder against the wood. "That working out well for you?" The grey wolf pressed, the old hinges screamed as they were forced into use after who knew how long. He felt the wood splinter and crack, withdrawing from the door and slamming back into it. A muted ping of a bolt landing on the floor marked the yielding of all resistance as the door swung wide open. The thin chain that held the door shut was unbroken, the sliding lock dangling uselessly at the end. A little worse for wear, Nako turned to look back at Renhett before stepping inside the room.