
Subtle Lives



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-10-2013, 09:12 PM

Morning was the easiest time to slip from Valhalla's border and silently hope she would go unnoticed by her brother. For now the female would push Maverick from her mind, truly not wanting to put the boy she so adored in danger. But still she knew Syrinx was keeping a careful eye on her, fiercely protective of his sister and unwilling to let her fall into harm's grasp for even just a second. A gentle huff escaped her jaws as she made her way slightly north of her family's territory, content to escape to the depths of her own mind. The boy's scent still seemed to linger in her nose, the gentle feeling of his touch taunting her, begging her to reunite with him once again. But her mind told her to stay away; she had caused enough trouble for the boy, and she hadn't even defended his honorable intentions. She had simply watched as her brother had rushed to strike him, to drive him away from Epiphron with the snapping of his jaws. And for once, Epiphron Adravendi had been at a loss for words.

Guilt was an unpleasant feeling. Rather than face it, instead she would bury it deep inside her chest and smother it until the emotion faded. Instead she would let her paws carry her wherever they pleased, soon bringing her to a halt outside the entrance of a vast entrance to a cave.

Sapphire eyes would sparkle with childlike curiosity as her eyes scanned the darkness ahead. While the cavern could prove to be dangerous, she found herself exhilarated by the concept of venturing into such a mysterious place. The princess would lower her cranium to the ground, nostrils flaring as she sought to pick up the scent of any creature who might be lurking in the dark. No scent was detected, and with careful grace the female placed one paw in front of the other, beginning to venture into the unknown depths of the cavern.

A single russet-furred ear would flick as she slunk into the cave, the sound of her paws padding against the cool stone quiet, but faintly audible. Occasionally as she went, light would find its way through cracks in the stone, illuminating the cave faintly. As time crept on, her movements careful as she navigated the labyrinth of stone, her eyes began to adjust to the extreme darkness.

The scent of another would reach her unsuspecting nose. Slight wariness crept into her being, a gentle and peaceful bark offered. The aroma was musky, clearly that of a male, and Epiphron knew she was in no position to cause a fight -- she hardly knew how to find her way back out of the cave, at least not with certainty.