
Hot Tin Roof



5 Years
09-06-2015, 02:42 PM
Starling was never not busy, never not knee deep in his craft whether it was mental or physical. Even when he was laying around and relaxing he was thinking about his stores, or going over what each herb does or thinking about those that had promised to teach him. He thought of Aunt Rhythm and how he should probably go see her one day, and Aunt Harmony and where she had ended up, thought of Anias and wondered when hed he able to go out and train her children, and of Lyndvarr and their promise of mutual learning. With all this travelling he was doing, he was getting stronger, quicker….perhaps not nearly as coordinated as he wanted to be, but that came with time, as Lyndvarr said. He never stopped, which was why he was a good distance from home, nose in the much and searching for anything that could be of use. New things he'd pick as well, to dry out and take to any of his many teachers to ask if they know. Hed always leave one flower, something to help the plants return in the next season or year. He was so intent he barely noticed the new company, sky blue eyes so set on the ground as he moved. Suddenly he'd blink, a pretty purple color catching his eye. With a slow blink he'd step towards it, the plant was just taller than him, but it looked gorgeous. Hed pause, tilting his head as he tried to decide if it was poisonous or not before hed set to work on the roots, not wanting to take home something the future little ones might get into and get sick….that reminded him, he had to make a better store. His mind was lost in thought as he gazed at the flower, just dazed as his mind reeled with ideas and plans and promised.

"Burn Baby Burn"